These pictures were taken one right after the other, using the same camera in the same position. The location is just north of the bench east of the Mara Central Hardline, and the time was early evening on 9 June, 1999. The camera is a Camon Focus 420 digital set to 1280x1024 resolution. The images are completely unedited and appear exactly as downloaded from the camera. If you look closely in the bottom left of the second photo, you'll notice a distinct, ghostly form. The figure only appeared for this one frame, and is not in any of the pictures taken before or after. It's intriguing because it seems as if the apparition waited for me to look away before appearing. This could very well be proof of paranormal activity in the Matrix. Maybe the ghosts of dead Redpills still haunt abandoned hardlines, forever seeking their pulled jacks. If you see anything strange or get photos of ghostly activity, please post them here.