Something is happening. Something big. People are flocking back to the simulation from their self imposed exile in the bleak reality, their own journeys of self discovery. They're returning from their hiatus' to re-inforce their organisations while some re-allign themselves. The rumours persist, is the end coming?
From what I can gather, there has been no communication from the machines to their operatives for many months. The commands issued to the other organisations operatives is not information I'm wholly privy too, but it seems operatives have been fighting a war without purpose for many months. Pointless skirmishes around the Mega City grew tiring for many and resulted in many veterans abandoning their posts in search of pastures new and who can blame them? The world isn't full of much hope but humans are and fighting the same tired battle for months on end both in and out of the simulation was something we all did for a couple of years after the truce broke, when there was some purpose to the fighting and even then, it was questionable. Now? It almost certainly means nothing and yet we all return.
As I said, though, rumours do persist that something is happening. Something that can only be described as uncertainty. As the Machine City desperately scraps for every last bit of resource it can procure, communications are still dead. Are they looking to destroy every last human? Worryingly it could be that. They would surely involve every Machine Operative in an assault on EPN and Zion, therefore we can rule this out. I have long given up my ranks within the machines, moving to a much more neutral stance during my own personal 'walkabout' of sorts. The voice in the back of my head dares to utter the words 'fence sitter' but then again that voice is the cynic within me, it's best to cage that beast.
Like crack addicts, we can't help but to return and insert that oversized needle they call a 'jack' into the back of our heads to cure that craving itch for the digital world. If this is the end, it might be nice to see the old girl one last time. The question does remain though; What do they have in store for us?
((The plan is just to kind of have like an open thread in which I update this every so often before the end. We'll see how often this happens as this piece was relatively spontaneus))