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agents attacking Machine operatives on missions
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Joined: Oct 5, 2008
Messages: 18

Hi, its been about a year or more since I have played the game and currently I am scanning the forums looking at recent events while my client updates. Looking over some of the Agent Gray machine missions it sometimes looks as tho players in the event are attacked by agents. Players are not safe in a unrestricted area even if they are on a mission for the agents?
In addition shouldn't the agents who apear attack the targets that Agent Gray ordered to be terminated instead of the players helpiing the machines?
Thanks for any responses

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
Messages: 6256
Location: The Real World This is how MxO ends: Not with a bang but a whimper

Even though you'd be working for the Machines you are still not granted access to all areas of the Simulation. While Gray is the mission controller and is seen as head of the Agents, he is not in overall charge of Agents that are conducting the tasks they were written for so sometimes they can conflict. Think of it as seperate systems of control and the access Agents are very single minded. Tagging the access nodes as soon as you can alleviates these conflictions.

Thats all I can explain it with regard to story but in reality everyone is subjected to the same Agent/Access node system regardless of Org status. It does sound strange that working for the Machines you get punished when doing what they ask you to do but it gives you the same incentives to level up and to find the access cards as every other player. It's just the way the game was designed.

Zion players have an extra challenge on top of this however due to the war, they also get lvl 100 Agents spawning on them in Westview, Downtown and International, regardless of any areas they have access to.

Message edited by Croesis on 10/05/2008 10:59:53.


Joined: Oct 5, 2008
Messages: 18

That makes sense! So access Agents are simply programmed to seek out tresspassers and eliminate them while other characters are not of concern.

Thank you for your answer

but you have brought another question to me

if LV100 agents spawn to attack zionites than what are the level of  access agents? 50?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 23, 2005
Messages: 2697

Access Node agents are level 255.


Joined: Oct 5, 2008
Messages: 18

dango! I did not think they are that high. I could have sworn I have seen players take agents on by themselves before. Thx for the response!

Encrypted Mind

Joined: Jul 21, 2008
Messages: 228

No09 wrote:
dango! I did not think they are that high. I could have sworn I have seen players take agents on by themselves before. Thx for the response!
There are lower levelled Agents you can take on, but the point of a level 100 Agent is a challenge, and a point of a level 255 Agent is for you to get on out of there.

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