Its an ambigious statement really, it says that Archives missions are available but doesn't say Chapter 8 Archives are available.
Wow, so good and yet..... not a melee weapon, thats such a tease.
LOL, am I the only one that thinks this looks kinda goofy?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!That is sweeeeet.I think the fact the players requests of years and years are finally getting looked into is simply awesome.Next, GUN HOLSTERS PLS!!!x!!!x!!!x!!! ^_^Oh and i too hope its pep =P
Also, now other people have mentioned it, it does look a little large.
cloudwolf wrote:Also, now other people have mentioned it, it does look a little large.The War Sword is available in two mounting sizes, the larger of which is specifically designed to accommodate the frames of larger male operatives.