If MxO is now permanantly D.I.Y. with no more content then might as well unlock the masks, maybe starting with the patch that removes the Anniversary event in early April.
Edit: We can always relock them if by some miracle we get a dev and we resume content. I think this would be a nice way to reward us with our patience for sticking through the hard times in the meantime.
Not a bad idea but what will there be to look forward to if MXO makes it to Holloween 2009? I just don't see this as a good idea at this point in time.
Never happen... Not unless its a holiday.
You know I'm right
Thirded! I have some ideas for them...
It's not going to save the game, but it can't hurt it too badly. The novelty of a holiday item will be lost, but that costs us ... [calculates] ... two days during the beginnning of the halloween event where these masks are cool again. After that 2 days, it wears off for me and lots of people that I know/ talk to.
Absolutely.. even if there is no Ookami mask (yet?)... /cry
Assuming we can get a new dev before Halloween (or just have 9mm do it), we can always have new masks made available during Halloween. If that was done, it would be a lot like the other Holiday events. Stuff you can only collect during a certain period of time but that, once collected, can be used year round. This could also create more of a desire to collect the lesser used/wanted masks as you could at the very least buy/sell/trade them year round or use them for events. Suddenly that stack of 20 Ethereals isn't quite as useless (sort of, anyway).
It's been a month since Rarebits left. OMGZMXOISDEADBLAHBLAHBLAH
No they should leave it the way it is.
At the 6month mark without a dev then we can talk about unlocking everything and going apesh*t.
SampleNow wrote:
I can't imagine enough people still playing this game in July to even keep it running.
LAWL NM, this forum....
letsrock wrote:
Halloween = Zombies, just like Anniversary = Smiths. Honestly, my old stance of not liking the fact we have we actually have RSI masks of main characters still stands but since we have them and there is no more story but that which we make ourselves, why not let us have access to all of them anyway?
Croesis wrote:
letsrock wrote:Not a bad idea but what will there be to look forward to if MXO makes it to Holloween 2009? I just don't see this as a good idea at this point in time.Halloween = Zombies, just like Anniversary = Smiths. Honestly, my old stance of not liking the fact we have we actually have RSI masks of main characters still stands but since we have them and there is no more story but that which we make ourselves, why not let us have access to all of them anyway?
I concur 100%. If things went back to normal and we actually got our own dev, and we actually got new content, and we actually got a new or resumed official storyline, we can re-lock the masks again, and return Halloween masks to their own special specialness.
We have no dynamic, interactive storyline content anymore, and allowing the masks would be much less abusable than say storyteller tools and/or allowing certain players to spawn npcs. After all Rarebit and Walrus have both said "The story in in your hands now." I mean, we do have a ton of new RSI captures anyways, just this makes it more consistent (like...you can be Lupin but not Ethereal 1....You can be Jezebeth but not a Succubus....you can be Captain Raeder/Danielle Smith/Elite Commado Leader but you cant be Tengu/Gargy/TM....it doesn't make too much sense to me).
I think it would be a nice gesture to the MxO community, and it wouldn't require barely any effort, or the creation of a single new ingame item.
Unlock the masks. Easy, breezy.
I agree with the idea of consistency in the hideout bosses/PBs etc, though I'm not so sure about everyone being able to mince around as Veil, Merv and similar.
The snag is that players may well have farmed numerous halloween masks already and we risk a flood on the marketplace were they to be simply enabled for use. Instead, it would probably be better to create a new version of each mask, which is dropped by the NPCs following the update.