I'm looking to recruit into my crew operatives who are either new to the game or currently without a readily available crew to work with.
From an RP perspective The Carter Group maintains a legitimate front as a business solutions provider for their corporate and private clients throughout the City. The awakened members of the crew will be the higher-level executives or special consultants who work for the company on a variety of projects we've been contracted to fulfill. These projects naturally involve situations that an awakened operative is well-suited for. Since The Carter Group maintains a good public image even among the unawakened masses, operatives should be able to dress in a corporate or professional manner when required (suit and tie combos for men, business attire or dresses for women, etc.).
Below are some other expectations:
1) Merovingian-allied crew.
2) RP is highly encouraged and preferred. PVP is optional and up to the individual.
3) Operatives of all skill branches and levels are accepted. I'm new to the game myself and will help even newer players, but more experienced players are free to share their knowledge as well.
Anyone interested can respond by email in-game to Councilor or post here or by PM and I will contact you. I'll update this post as necessary.