Known Issues for Updatd 7
- Several Abilities have text errors in their descriptions.
- Several Abilities are applying bonuses larger than intended.
- The Doctor ability is missing some words from its description.
- The Patcher ability Movement Accelerator 1.0 incorrectly requires Bolster Health 1.0 as a requirement.
- The Upgrade Master Buff only increases a player's Buffer Cap by 50 instead of 200.
- The Physician ability does not heal for the proper amount.
- Master Shadow ability not adding its bonus to Contested Withdraw Bonus.
- Master Shadow ability drain an excessive about of IS compared to its listed duration.
- Passive Code ability can be used without a target.
- Weakening Blows is providing an Upgrade to opponents instead of a Downgrade.
- Throat Cutting Throw does not give opponents the listed debuff.
- Head Butt’ does not give opponents the lsted debuff.
- Damage given by the ability ‘Plague Zone 2.0’ is not accurate.
- Upgrades and styles are not persistant when traveling through hardlines.
- Code Freeze 1.0 has a longer duration than Code Freeze 2.0.
- Warding Blow requires no memory usaged to load.
- The Sever Artery ability prevents anyone hit from being able to interlock an opponent.
- The Absorb Simulacra doesn't properly list what the numbers in it's Damage section are for.
- The ability Serence Clam still has the term Dodged Ranged in its information.
- Damage Over Time abilities have not been converted to the CR 2.0 system allowing them to cause excessive damage.
- Many Enhanced Weapons have not been converted to CR 2.0 making them far more powerful than intended.
- Switching weapons during Interlock results in weapon animations and effects without weapons in hand.
- Holy Water, Silver Bullet, and Wooden Stake do not blink in the hotbar when used.
- Not all Enhanced items have been converted to CR2.0 compliance yet.
- The Disruption Tool no long works properly.
- Health Pills appear to be doing more healing than intended.
- The Vector and Despoiler buff Abilities in the Action panel are missing the word "Buff" from their names.
- The Detection ability does not appear in the player's Action Panel.
- The bonuses for the Reason Stat are not being displayed properly.
- Many Abilities do not have their secondary effected listed.
- SMG Specialist Ugrade ability is listed in its own catagory in the Action panel.
- No mouse over information for the Debuff Icon of the ability 'Topsy Turvy'.
- The hotbar number for a queued Special Attack doesn't blink if you are out of IS and the icon dims.
- Code Summary test for name of ability and description are joined and have no separation in the Code Analyzer too.
- Player recieves continue system chat spam from the Deflect Bullets 1.0 ability if a more powerful buff is running on them.
- The chat message for when Iron Body is activated says it increases your Force Combat but no bonus is applied.
- The text string that is shown when a style is attempted to be removed from a player's buff bar by Shift + Right Click doesn't make sense.
- The descriptions for the player's Statistics needs to be updated to reflect the CR 2.0 changes.
- Having the Virologist ability loaded makes the Arbalest discipline appear partially loaded in the Ability Tree UI.
- Many abilities have inaccurate descriptions associated with them.
- Dual Pistol Execution ability does not have an animation when activated.
- Swirling Ki Summon has no out of combat animation when activated.
- The ability Logic Blast 3.0 uses the Silver Bullet item animation in interlock instead of a typical hacker attack animation.
- When a player dies from the Karate ability Ki Charged Footsweep, after falling down face up they stand up and die face down.
- Many of the Ability icons are upside down.
- Passive Code ability has not visual FX when used.
- Abilities occasionally become unusable if an ability that requires a state (Dazed, Staggered, or Off Balance) is used but the state wears off before the ability is executed other abilities become unusable.
- When a player leaves interlock combat with another player they will perform a single melee free attack after the player has withdrawn.
<Free Fire combat>
- The Desperate Speed ability has a difficulty of 17 instead of 25.
- The ability Shifty Technique needs to have its crafting difficulty changed to 39.
- Several Abilities are not craftable at the proper difficulty as indicated in the Code Analyzer tool.
- Crew/Factions information not loading properly for players.