I think it would be a good idea to set up a meeting with all interested so we can determine who will do what. I'm free on Mon and Tues and after 11:00p est during the rest of the week.
Syntax: Nicho - Cypherite
Space on Recursion, Syntax, and Vector
Kindeller/Kindelier - Syntax
MachineVirus - Vector
Jaypine - Recursion
Space on recursion and vector for alts and i'd take any part i helping the formation, execution and running of this team. I've studied intermediate web design, CSS, javascript (rusty), flash animation and film production/editing. Anything you need regarding what i may be able to help with just let me know and i'll see what i can do. (:
Had written a script for a PE once, but too hard to find the right people that were active enough so i dropped it. I'll pm you with it once i get home.
*edit* Sent.
il get in touch with you when my internet is fixed and i can get a forum up
send me a pm with the kinda stuff u want on it and il see what i can do
Excellent Event Ideas coming through. Thanks to everyone.
We just need a forum now. I am going to have a go at a phpbb one but I dunno how it will turn out heh.
Can you webmasters out there fire some concept work at me for the website? Even if they are just handrawn sketches just showinglayouts etc! Cheers Guys! Good work so far!
Pyrobolo lvl 50 Merov
on other server Alts very low level though
I am a very Clitche badguy. I enjoy being the bad guy and dont mind to get my @$$ handed to me for the cause of justice lol but no i am in.
do we have a forum yet? I've come up with a new idea, but I want to know we're doing this before sending it in.
Maybe it would be helpful within this thread to reanounce the liasons still active. Could come up with more ingame people contact GCET with ideas/help.
I like it.
/sign. I could do event co-ordination, and bringing things together. I also have available spaces on all three servers, but my main is RejectKnowledge on Syntax - EPN.
I am willing to buy us hosting space, and get us a URL too - but the question is who will run the boards? I think you should check out Joomla - they're quite good, especially with their new built-in CMS.
As for the website, I don't think we need a flash-heavy website. Our beginning should be simplistic, with just enough room to post information on current events, synopsis of previous events, announcements of team members and new events. Check out the Tetragrammaton faction site (forgot the link). Good clean design, and all the information is easily available.
I've done websites before, but I really don't have the time nowadays to tinker with it anymore =(
I say led the 'admins' start another thread purely regarding the discussion of a website. If not a thread, then a 'mailing list' for now, because you need to discuss it at length before anyone can produce anything tangible. Questions you should ask:
...and so forth.
So yeah - regroup, brainstorm, get an idea up first and enhance on it later. Just make sure that your planning encompasses what you're doing now and what you're hoping to do in the future too, so the site can accomodate that. And when you've got that I'd be happy to pay for the domain name, and hosting space.
- RK
I could also be a web designer as i know a way how to host domains for free (no not freewebs or anything like that), but i do not have a lot of knowlage on how to create a web site apart from that i could use photoshop for most of it, and you do the rest with dreamweaver and convert it to CSS.
Up to you, if not then i kinda also wanna do event co-ordination or whatever it's called , looks like a lot to me haha, i can understand if positions are filled already
Is anything still going on with this as i think it's a good idea, and am unsure weather it has stalled and been forgotten or if things are secretly going on in the background?
Dulux wrote:
I've been meaning to ask the same thing.