Unstabl3 wrote:Bayamo wrote:nvm. if some of you want to pretend you actually level your own accounts then I guess the ol wink wink nudge nudge vote for crimsonkiller wins the day...Not all of us can be MODS on a certain MMO Exploits site, where we can learn ways to exploit the leveling system.whale oil beef hooked!! thats nasty
Bayamo wrote:nvm. if some of you want to pretend you actually level your own accounts then I guess the ol wink wink nudge nudge vote for crimsonkiller wins the day...Not all of us can be MODS on a certain MMO Exploits site, where we can learn ways to exploit the leveling system.
nvm. if some of you want to pretend you actually level your own accounts then I guess the ol wink wink nudge nudge vote for crimsonkiller wins the day...
Do deleted toons count?
I'm insane and delete 50's sometimes.
Rec: 50/50/7
Vec: 50/49/2
Syn: 18/9/8
Total: (I think, I don't remember all the little ones I've deleted)
Rec: 50/50/50/50/37/16/16/12/7
Vec: 50/50/49/12/2
Syn: 50/18/9/8
Recursion - 50/50/50Vector - 50/50/15Syntax - 32/25/0
Recursion - 50/50/50Vector - 50/50
Yea Double Trifecta ftw
Syntax 50 / 50 / 16
Recrusion 50 / 50 / 12
Vector 50 / 50 / 13
Vector - 50/50/8
Recursion - 50/19/7
Syntax- 50/29/9
Merv Zion Epn Mech Cyph
Vector 50 x 50 25 x
Recursion 18 24 x x 27
Syntax 14 x 14 x 40
after i hit 50 on syntax i figure ill work on the zion on rec
So I took the plunge and got my 2nd account today. Primarily for storage but also for RP / Live Events down the road. This brings the totals to:
Reccy: 50/22/21/1/1/1
Syntax: 23/11/5/1/1/1
Vector: 50/31/15/1/1/1
Woot! All my lvl 1 nubs pwn you all.
Merv Zion Epn Mech CyphVector 50 x 50 25 xRecursion 18 24 x x 27Syntax 14 x 14 x 40 after i hit 50 on syntax i figure ill work on the zion on rec
So far I'm at:
Vector: 50/42 (might be 43 by now)
Reccy: 23 (Tried hacker and got bored will eventually lvl this 1 up)
Syntax: 34 (This is the char that I'm currently lvln up)
I'm wantin to get a couple of 50's soon. Sick of goin on a char to pvp and theres no1 on my side on rofl
btw PVP FTMFW (Vector Rules )