When: This Friday, 31 oct appx. 1700mst (5 pm)
Where: Datamine
Rules: The object is to survive and avoid being bitten and transformed into a zombie, this is a Free for all event, you are allowed to choose teams, however once a zombie its anything goes. No hyperjump, shadow, sneak, going indoors, or killing of the alpha zombie until the go ahead is given will be allowed, or you will be disqualified, you may however stun, root, and use hacks other than Vecter/Ravager, guns, and of course, hand to hand, sims will be allowed, but when they are zombies they must be deactivated. There will be a set arena at wich you must evade the zombies, you can use a shield.
Once you are bitten both zombie will roll out of combat and then hunt for more brains, the last person to remain human will win a grand prize, if once the go ahead is given to kill the alpha zombie wich will be me, I am killed, the killer receives a bonus prize along with a grandprize, but you cannot kill the alpha zombie once the go ahead is given. Disguises are not allowed for this event because they can cover the virus. After the event we will meet up with the syntaxians at TBA location for the halloween party wich more prizes, raremasks, info, items, and special magical things happen.
No need to apply for entry, just show up, there will be me and a few lords of war members that come in as zombies and attack the humans. You can run behind stuff, just, no hyperspeed, only speed enhancing clothing can be used. If there are any questions please feel free to ask, more updates will come along as they need to.