Shermi wrote: Hi Walrus I know this is a long shoot well acually a really long shot but i figured i give it a shot my name is Shermi from The SIrens. Way back in beta we had a party to raise cancer aware ness i am not sure if you remember you came to the party and also send an let as flood. We were really touched by that gesture. It was for one of our own Scorpia she had an brain cancer and that is why we did the party ok well this is my idea i am not sure if it is possible cause i know you all don't like doing special favor wich show favoratisim lol sorry for the spelling Scorpia condition was terminal and as far as we heard I belive she passed on. The request that i have is this there is an npc a mission contact that was in the club duality in appolon named raini she has the same look, outfit and body shape as Scorpia's Ris i belive that she must have allways got a kick out of that. I was going to put in a petition to see if it could be renamed from Rainie to Scorpia and ofcourse not put Sirens tag on it cause i don't want the hole community to say you all are playing favorites. Like i said i don't know if this is possible if it will even matter to send in a petition to soe i know you all are very bussy and maybe i should wait until later to ask or to even ask. Just a question to honor a player that help out in beta, the sirens and the hole mxo community after all she won the first ever best dressed rsi in a community run event . Well that is all if you have time to read this and let me know if this is at all possible in even 1% chance of getting this looked at i will submite a petition. Thanks for your time and your hard work on the game. thanks Shermi The Sirens
A friend of mine from the Halo community was immortalized by having his voice in a cutscene in every Bungie title since Halo (yeah, I know that's only 2 so far, but they swore they would keep doing it).
He lost his battle with Ewing's Sarcoma the morning after Valentine's Day. We all knew him as the defender of <3. Read more about his and his family's battle here.
WGAnubis wrote:/sign. I am assuming that she is no longer with us. I never met her but if she really did touch that many peoples lives than a minor change to the game as a form of honoring her wouldnt be to much to ask for.
Even though I never knew Scropia. I am amazed at this story because a lot of people these daays are extremely negative and to be positive in the face of such an illness requires the greatest of hearts.