Imagine this world without electricity. The first thing the world would do is have to find away to turn everything back on. If you do not think that humanity depends on Machines then all I can think to say is it must suck living in a 3rd world country.
This is Mother Natures House... we just fight in it until she kicks us out.
A peaceful cyborg evolution would be a cool transition.
Message Edited by AqueousRei on 07.11.2006 03:04 PM
The future may find us advancing biologically more than mechanically. The next generation of computers could be biological because they supposably more efficient, here's an article. After all machines are basically dumb and can't think for themselves so they have to be programmed with the correct instructions and no matter how obvious any mistake is to us the machine won't understand.
Teh Borg
Assimilation FTW:
Fractor wrote:The future may find us advancing biologically more than mechanically. The next generation of computers could be biological because they supposably more efficient, here's an article. After all machines are basically dumb and can't think for themselves so they have to be programmed with the correct instructions and no matter how obvious any mistake is to us the machine won't understand.
I think it is safe to say things are already in motion:
Coer wrote:I think the safety factor is a big issue.The Matrix is fiction, but it's always going to be a concern to both public and .gov/.milWhat happens if an A.I. goes out of control?Much safer to integrated technology with our own bodies that we have total control over - thereby we are still the dominant species.
Wqaa wrote:I've had a discussion about this before with a few friends of mine. Our theroy was that there will come a time where you will be able to intergrate a microchip into your brain which will allow you to say access the internet with your mind, chat with other people in a telepathic type of way, and various other type of functions that are limited by one's imagination. Of course there would be such things that prevent usage of such tech, in certain places like classes and other facilites, and it is my belief that it would be near impossible to hack another persons mind so hackers won't much of a problem. In time these chips would become organic and become fully intergrated into society as a normal thing, telephones would become a thing of the past as you would be able to to communicate with anyone, anywhere using this new ability. At one point you would be able to record your dreams, relive a memory or delete one forever.
RemagDiv wrote:Coer wrote:I think the safety factor is a big issue.The Matrix is fiction, but it's always going to be a concern to both public and .gov/.milWhat happens if an A.I. goes out of control?Much safer to integrated technology with our own bodies that we have total control over - thereby we are still the dominant species.The thing is, if programmed correctly, an A.I. should never have a mind of its own. Yet, we see B166ER murder his master, thus starting the catalyst to our own demise.