Ah, CR1.0...
Ah, CR1.0..." />
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Fen wrote:Ah, CR1.0..." />QFT. I could care less if I get pasted by the enemy in PVP, but having to reactivate all the crap upgrades and buffs in CR2 just takes too long. I miss the days of getting killed, reconning, turning on evade and getting back into the fight. This just slows the pace down and not in a good way.
Trilateral wrote:Fen wrote:Ah, CR1.0..." />QFT. I could care less if I get pasted by the enemy in PVP, but having to reactivate all the crap upgrades and buffs in CR2 just takes too long. I miss the days of getting killed, reconning, turning on evade and getting back into the fight. This just slows the pace down and not in a good way.That's because CR2 is a piece of broken, senseless garbage. If they were to re-implement CR1, I would jack in regularly.~V
Actually there really isn't all that many bugs left in CR2. I mean compared to CR1, i ran out of toes to count how many combat exsploits and general bugs there were in CR1.
That "Target out of range" happens from time to time during PvE, so I wouldn't sweat it, fellas.
Yeah i agree, lets remove hyper jump from the game completely.
On a serious note, i can't wait till i get home so i can post some pic's that make me happy.
The movies were 90% wire-fu & guns, the odd knife here or there and that was it!Given the popularity of MKT why are there no knife NPCs? ... if there was a reason to load anything to do with thrown damage outside of PvP it might help balance things... but for now, while knives make no sense I'll not be PvPing.I'm not saying I want to be buffed to the nines against everything... but when you have a MA loadout you can dodge bullets but every single knife hits you square between the eyes and freezes you to the spot COMPLETELY neutralizing the only real skill you have (interlock). combined with the 15 minute death timer... PvP is not fun... I'd rather test my skills against a gunman or MA.Just gripeing... not saying that you can't defend against MKTs (there are clothes and buffs to do that... I know)... it's just that it seems that I'd have to specialise in thrown defence which is not what I need on missions etc...I can't recall the last time I saw MKT killing NPCs.Don't worry I won't come bawwing into PvP fields... I'll stick to the story and get my battle fix in something that relies on physical skill like UT3 (which has a pretty weak story incidentally) " width="15" height="15" />