Updated 14/07/08. Up to Date.
Recursion CQ Point Leaderboards
Recursion CQ Point Leaders
1. 21,226 - Crowlos - <Fallen Horizon>2. 18,785 - DEATHWARRENT - <The Dragoon Brotherhood>3. 18,418 - Serpahus4. 17,127 - Illriay1 - <The Collective>5. 15,790 - Jardiniere6. 15,585 - IDeathWarrentI7. 15,471 - Prim38. 15,152 - StupidFly9. 14,501 - Miggesch - <Kings Of Never>10. 14,189 - Skull086 - <The Collective>11. 13,886 - Aquatium - <Fallen Horizon>12. 13,487 - old - <Balance>13. 13,286 - NeuAscension14. 13,270 - Zacarias15. 12,897 - Stanka - <Warriors Of Zion>16. 12,372 - Sattakan - <The Collective>17. 12,164 - Cyko18. 11,226 - Jauoty19. 10,284 - BlazinWolf - <The Collective>20. 9,848 - MsElena - <Warriors Of Zion>
Faction CQ Point Leaderboard
Organisational CQ Point Leaderboard
*Note EPN and CYPH are classed as separate Organisations1. 79,849 - Zion2. 69,412 - Machine3. 47,605 - Merovingian4. 13,188 - Cypherites5. 2,963 - E Pluribus Neo
CQ Point Total Trackers
1. -2. -3. -4. -5. -6. -7. -8. -9. -10. -
Original Post read:
As stated in this thread, leaderboards are in demand. I feel that it is something that is within our power as players and community members to create and maintain. So, here I am, with my first attempt at a leaderboard. And I choose what I see to be the easiest aspect to measure; CQ Points.Discussion:I figure each server having it's own column of top 20 CQ holders will suffice and revamps and revisions can be done after we get into the swing of things.I motion that this first post in this thread be refreshed *monthly on a Friday.In the event that I am unable to maintain this leaderboard, the most current list can be copied, updated and pasted into a new thread and maintained by whoever wants to take over. It's not rocket science.Feel free to nominate this thread to be stickied and inmplemented into Community News.Any other input? Feel free to share.Rules:Post an undoctored (obviously) screenshot of your details and the server that character is on. Details can be posted on someone's behalf. Please crop your screenshot.*I will update on Friday, once a month. *Please notify me of any spelling errors*All data from the previous thread has been taken and added to the current leaderboards!This leaderboard will only be accurate if YOU participate. Let's get keep the ball rolling!Things to Come:*Faction Leaderboards*Organisation leaderboards*CQ Trackers, showing increases in each players CQ
As stated in this thread, leaderboards are in demand. I feel that it is something that is within our power as players and community members to create and maintain. So, here I am, with my first attempt at a leaderboard. And I choose what I see to be the easiest aspect to measure; CQ Points.
I figure each server having it's own column of top 20 CQ holders will suffice and revamps and revisions can be done after we get into the swing of things.
I motion that this first post in this thread be refreshed *monthly on a Friday.
In the event that I am unable to maintain this leaderboard, the most current list can be copied, updated and pasted into a new thread and maintained by whoever wants to take over. It's not rocket science.
Feel free to nominate this thread to be stickied and inmplemented into Community News.
Any other input? Feel free to share.
Post an undoctored (obviously) screenshot of your details and the server that character is on. Details can be posted on someone's behalf. Please crop your screenshot.
*I will update on Friday, once a month.
*Please notify me of any spelling errors
*All data from the previous thread has been taken and added to the current leaderboards!
This leaderboard will only be accurate if YOU participate. Let's get keep the ball rolling!
Things to Come:
*Faction Leaderboards
*Organisation leaderboards
*CQ Trackers, showing increases in each players CQ
* Denotes a new addition to the post.
I still need everyone to keep posting their '/details' and include their Server Name! If you wish to help your Organisation in the leaderboard and you are not part of a Crew/Faction then you need to post this information along with your '/details'
**Another thing to note is EVEN if you CQ Total is LOWER than position 20 posting it will add CQ's to your faction and Organisation's totals!!! Every little helps!**
Last Update 14/07/08. Currently Not up to date.
Vector-Hostile CQ Point Leaderboards
Vector-Hostile CQ Point Leaders:1. 25,252 - Epsilon2. 23,232 - ILLFACE3. 21,822 - 2soon2late4. 19,545 - Krytical5. 17,442 - SKOALMINT6. 17,248 - Broin - <Furious Angels>7. 15,759 - deviljonny8. 15,000 - Yasamuu9. 14,859 - yeaman10. 14,607 - SajghO11. 2,678 - TheHostileIntention12. 1,935 - Granton - <Systematic Chaos>13. -14. -15. -16. -17. -18. -19. -20. -
Caps lock?
And I'm sorry I can only do so much, for now I'm not going to include /play, simply because its another thing to update. Maybe when the Faction and Organisational Leaderboards are up I'll consider it, but its not going to be included now.
These are the current overal CQ leaders on the servers (note some maybe inactive but still hold their ranking)
If there are errors then I can look into our method of generating them and see if there is a problem
As of July 14, 2008, 2:30pm PST
Recursion1. Crowlos - 212262. DEATHWARRANT - 187853. Seraphus - 184184. Illyria1 - 171275. Jardiniere - 157906. IDeathWarrantI - 155857. Prim3 - 154718. StupidFly - 151529. Miggesch - 1450110. Skull086 - 1418911. Aquatium - 1388612. old - 1348713. NeuAscension - 1332114. Zacarias - 1327015. Stanka - 1289716. Sattakan - 1237217. Cyko - 1216418. Jauoty - 1126619. BlazinWolf - 1028420. MsElena - 9848
Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 349432. Keppen - 176873. Kanjo - 173274. Endomorph - 161045. Ja2ck6son - 158636. Sphairo - 158337. BofaDee - 156968. ORIONREX - 146759. deecode - 1392310. AresPhobos - 1380311. D3athBlad3 - 1221712. MikeCool3 - 1182613. Marias - 1182214. Wesker813 - 1088315. InvalidSyntax - 1050716. themarsnova - 1030917. AnXieTy762 - 1020518. Comserv - 1014619. GraceofDarkness - 994420. hedRUSH - 9791
Vector1. EpsiIon - 259132. ILLFACE - 234833. 2soon2late - 218224. Krytical - 195455. Broin - 180286. SKOALMINT - 174427. deviljonny - 168078. Yasamuu - 150519. yeaman - 1492710. SajghO - 1467811. ThePhantomPain - 1418712. trevona - 1386013. Duckker - 1354114. Madbent - 1319915. darkhaze - 1313116. DA6ONET - 1280517. LilJade - 1268518. Brommerz77 - 1209719. OooRoyooO - 1193220. hlew88 - 11308
These are the current overal CQ leaders on the servers (note some maybe inactive but still hold their ranking)If there are errors then I can look into our method of generating them and see if there is a problemAs of July 14, 2008, 2:30pm PSTRecursion1. Crowlos - 212262. DEATHWARRANT - 187853. Seraphus - 184184. Illyria1 - 171275. Jardiniere - 157906. IDeathWarrantI - 155857. Prim3 - 154718. StupidFly - 151529. Miggesch - 1450110. Skull086 - 1418911. Aquatium - 1388612. old - 1348713. NeuAscension - 1332114. Zacarias - 1327015. Stanka - 1289716. Sattakan - 1237217. Cyko - 1216418. Jauoty - 1126619. BlazinWolf - 1028420. MsElena - 9848Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 349432. Keppen - 176873. Kanjo - 173274. Endomorph - 161045. Ja2ck6son - 158636. Sphairo - 158337. BofaDee - 156968. ORIONREX - 146759. deecode - 1392310. AresPhobos - 1380311. D3athBlad3 - 1221712. MikeCool3 - 1182613. Marias - 1182214. Wesker813 - 1088315. InvalidSyntax - 1050716. themarsnova - 1030917. AnXieTy762 - 1020518. Comserv - 1014619. GraceofDarkness - 994420. hedRUSH - 9791Vector1. EpsiIon - 259132. ILLFACE - 234833. 2soon2late - 218224. Krytical - 195455. Broin - 180286. SKOALMINT - 174427. deviljonny - 168078. Yasamuu - 150519. yeaman - 1492710. SajghO - 1467811. ThePhantomPain - 1418712. trevona - 1386013. Duckker - 1354114. Madbent - 1319915. darkhaze - 1313116. DA6ONET - 1280517. LilJade - 1268518. Brommerz77 - 1209719. OooRoyooO - 1193220. hlew88 - 11308
Yeah gd to see a top 20 gettin made up Pity to see that 9 outta vectors top 20 are inactive and a couple are rarely active
These are the current overal CQ leaders on the servers (note some maybe inactive but still hold their ranking)If there are errors then I can look into our method of generating them and see if there is a problemAs of July 14, 2008, 2:30pm PST Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 34943 <Exploits>2. Keppen - 17687 <Exploits>3. Kanjo - 17327 <Exploits>4. Endomorph - 16104 <Exploits>5. Ja2ck6son - 15863 <The Colony>6. Sphairo - 15833 7. BofaDee - 15696 <4Horsemen>8. ORIONREX - 14675 <Catalyst>9. deecode - 13923 <Catalyst>10. AresPhobos - 13803 <Datadyne>11. D3athBlad3 - 12217 12. MikeCool3 - 11826 <Forsaken>13. Marias - 11822 <Catalyst>14. Wesker813 - 10883 <Datadyne>15. InvalidSyntax - 10507 16. themarsnova - 10309 <Datadyne>17. AnXieTy762 - 10205 <Exploits>18. Comserv - 10146 <Catalyst>19. GraceofDarkness - 9944 <Cypherites>20. hedRUSH - 9791
Syntax1. Pharaoh420Nels - 34943 <Exploits>2. Keppen - 17687 <Exploits>3. Kanjo - 17327 <Exploits>4. Endomorph - 16104 <Exploits>5. Ja2ck6son - 15863 <The Colony>6. Sphairo - 15833 7. BofaDee - 15696 <4Horsemen>8. ORIONREX - 14675 <Catalyst>9. deecode - 13923 <Catalyst>10. AresPhobos - 13803 <Datadyne>11. D3athBlad3 - 12217 12. MikeCool3 - 11826 <Forsaken>13. Marias - 11822 <Catalyst>14. Wesker813 - 10883 <Datadyne>15. InvalidSyntax - 10507 16. themarsnova - 10309 <Datadyne>17. AnXieTy762 - 10205 <Exploits>18. Comserv - 10146 <Catalyst>19. GraceofDarkness - 9944 <Cypherites>20. hedRUSH - 9791
I've coloured the following to show there orgs and listed there factions next to there names.
Blue - Cypherites
Yellow - Epn
Green - Zion
Red - Merovingian
Slate Grey - Machine
Some i were unsure of so happily correct me if im wrong >.>
MachineMerovingianZionCYPHEPNVector1. EpsiIon - 25913 <Systematic Chaos>2. ILLFACE - 23483 <Trinity>3. 2soon2late - 21822 <Forsaken>4. Krytical - 19545 <JoKeRz>5. Broin - 18028 <Furious Angels>6. SKOALMINT - 174427. deviljonny - 16807 <Systematic Chaos>8. Yasamuu - 15051 factionless9. yeaman - 14927 10. SajghO - 14678 <Trinity>11. ThePhantomPain - 14187 <Organized Crime>12. trevona - 13860 <R I P>13. Duckker - 13541 <Priorato de Sion>14. Madbent - 13199 <Morpheus' Legacy>15. darkhaze - 13131 <Dark Mavericks>16. DA6ONET - 12805 <Furious Angels>17. LilJade - 12685 <Dark Trinity>18. Brommerz77 - 12097 <Project Mayhem>19. OooRoyooO - 11932 <Silent Shadows>20. hlew88 - 11308 <Systematic Chaos>
1. EpsiIon - 25913 <Systematic Chaos>2. ILLFACE - 23483 <Trinity>3. 2soon2late - 21822 <Forsaken>4. Krytical - 19545 <JoKeRz>5. Broin - 18028 <Furious Angels>6. SKOALMINT - 174427. deviljonny - 16807 <Systematic Chaos>8. Yasamuu - 15051 factionless9. yeaman - 14927 10. SajghO - 14678 <Trinity>11. ThePhantomPain - 14187 <Organized Crime>12. trevona - 13860 <R I P>13. Duckker - 13541 <Priorato de Sion>14. Madbent - 13199 <Morpheus' Legacy>15. darkhaze - 13131 <Dark Mavericks>16. DA6ONET - 12805 <Furious Angels>17. LilJade - 12685 <Dark Trinity>18. Brommerz77 - 12097 <Project Mayhem>19. OooRoyooO - 11932 <Silent Shadows>20. hlew88 - 11308 <Systematic Chaos>