// Broadcast Depth
// Received: from Hovercraft Pandora (pandora.hovercrafts.zion)
// Message-ID: <[email protected]>
// From: DeBarlo
// X-Mailer: ZionMail 3.14
// X-Accept-Language: en
// To: Zion Personnel ([email protected])
// Subject: Cypherite Message Decoded
Naabu of The Enigma Directive recently decoded this Cypherite message that was obtained by Zion operatives and loaded into our Zion Uplink:
Data downloaded...
[bitrate 24kbps... Aud!^ Transcr!?t Initiated]
%#y've already discovered tha[ Cryp[^s is the Cypherite leader. Like"!se, they've a|ready discovered that V#!l is %e Cy?h#rite controller. $^^n they will disc^ver th@t "# are also the ones seeking %# code re~nants of one ^f %eir ope'@tives.
We m_$t ~^ve qui*ly. Inv^lun[ary r#in$ert!^n !$ n^t far ^ff. This c^}e %at }@~# Wh![# h@s @cquire} for _$ will grea[ly @!} _$ in }ev#lo?!ng %!$ [#chn^|^gy b_t w# n##} ~^'#. ^?#'@[!^n Qu!* J@* !$ cl^$# @[ h@n}. H@v# y^u` ^?#`@t!v#$ !n @?^||y^n `#@}y. ^_`$ h#`# @`# ![ch!ng [^ [^y "!% @ f#" c^??#'[^?$.
This is the decoded message:
They've already discovered that Cryptos is the Cypherite leader. Likewise, they've already discovered that Veil is the Cypherite controller. Soon they will discover that we are also the one's seeking the code remnants of one of their opertives.
We must move quickly. Involuntary reinsertion is not far off. This code that Dame White has aquired for us will greatly aid us in developing this technology but we need more.
Operation Quick Jack is close at hand. Have your operatives in Apollyon ready. Ours here are itching to toy with a few coppertops.
More information about this message and the Zion Uplink can be found at:
Captain DeBarlo
Hovercraft Pandora
//End Transmission