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[7.3.1] Now we isolate the RSI signature and track it down - Recursion - 6/5/07
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Zion Operative

Joined: Dec 7, 2005
Messages: 47

It's an odd thing, to see a dead man walk and talk.

It isn't him. I know that. It doesn't stand the way he did--doesn't have the presence he did. But there's something about the way it talks... Maybe it's the voice. I don't know. Whoever made it did a hell of a job.


Systemic Anomaly

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Glad he fixed that conection problem he had going for awhile.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
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Haha, the imposter's gonna be so surprised he'll drop his silly disguise one day.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Oct 1, 2005
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How long is this going to go on!  x_x  Can't wait to see what the deal is with Morpheus.  Wish I was there for the event.  /whine

-Jay Demedrian

MC Photographer

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
Messages: 3664

I really hope this is Morpheus. I hope we can find out soon if its him or not

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Sep 2, 2005
Messages: 732

what happened in the church, did a code bomb go off and no one noticed?!

Fansite Operator

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FrozenFyre wrote:
what happened in the church, did a code bomb go off and no one noticed?!

Bomb Pet Lug.

Jacked Out

Joined: May 14, 2006
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GamiSB wrote:
Glad he fixed that conection problem he had going for awhile.
No... This is the real deal (or a real fake, at least).
Apparently it was a walking, talking, breathing RSI.

Matriculated Mind

Joined: May 30, 2007
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It looks like in in for a fun month ahead.

/mood cautious

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 3623

"You...will not stand in my way."

I have to share Gami's cynicism on the issue. Wonder what this one's up to...

Message edited by Pyraci on 06/07/2007 03:01:05.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4814

I understand the hype about Neo and Morpheus but still, I can't comprehend it. Morpheus and Neo alike are misfit in this world. Many of those from the war are, including high positions in the Zion Council and Military. They are relics, the only thing they'll do is drag us down, drag us down trying to achieve whatever we want in this world.

I don't I wouldn't like to see either of them back, though. But it doesn't matter to me if they are or not. If we, the new generation  of reds, can't change the world, how would these relics be able to do that? We are children of this cold-war. We know it, we understand it, we love it, we loath it. Let the old men at home, this is our world.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Oct 10, 2005
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Ghost said: It's an odd thing, to see a dead man walk and talk. It isn't him. I know that. It doesn't stand the way he did--doesn't have the presence he did. But there's something about the way it talks... Maybe it's the voice. I don't know. Whoever made it did a hell of a job.

So Morpheus will not return, if Ghost is so sure heh?

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Syntax Server - Redpill Name: Electus

Ghost says it's not him. But, a while back the Oracle did say someone we knew would lie to us. She might not have been speaking of just Morpheus you know.

There's so many familiar many faces, so that is a hard one to figure out. Time will show the Truth.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 21, 2006
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I believe there is alot of cloud out there, and we must not get carried away with this. Zion should take one step at a time to insure that they have full control of the situation.

Zion Operatives, please do not jump to conclusions! There is no real evidence to prove this man, if anything his attitude there shows he is not the Morpheus we knew...

I am curious however...


Jacked Out

Joined: Mar 25, 2007
Messages: 173

Godgiver, we have to remember why we are here - we still exist because of those from the war.  We are all misfits in this world. Neo wanted what the vast majority of us want even today. He represented the problem, but in turn became the solution to that problem. Yes... this is our world, but we can't assume that they would hinder us or bring ruin to what we've worked to build.

As for Morpheus, I see Roukan remembered what happened to his body in the church, with the flies and all... It does seem a bit odd that he would be found in the same place that he disappeared.

There is something more to this "appearance" of Morpheus, of course... Is this another lie? It looks like it, but time will tell.
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