I figured it was time to re-post this information.
While playing within the game world of The Matrix Online and/or using the official message boards for The Matrix Online, no user shall:
1. Use foul language against another user, as determined by MxO personnel
2. Use sexually explicit language, as determined by MxO personnel
3. Use hate speech including, but not limited to, ethnic slurs, sexual slurs and religious epithets, as determined by MxO personnel
4. Harass and/or threaten other users or MxO staff members
5. Use excessive “shouting” (use of all caps) or “flood/spam” (continuous posting of repetitive/off-topic text)
6. Discuss and/or attempt to distribute any illegal substance including, but not limited to illegal drugs
7. Create offensive user/character names or otherwise abuse the naming system to create any name that violates other sections of the GPC, as determined by MxO personnel. We reserve the right to remove or change names and/or remove entire accounts as we see fit, without warning
8. Argue with or neglect to follow instructions of MxO Game Masters, Moderators or other MxO staff
9. Abuse the privileges of the online petition system, including but not limited to spamming of reports or false reports or false reports against other users
10. Deliberately log off or exit the game while a Game Master is communicating with you, to avoid disciplinary actions. This may result in a removal of gameplay privileges
11. Hack or deliberately use game bugs or loopholes to disrupt the game and/or message boards
12. Use flaws or loopholes in the game and/or message boards to commit fraudulent acts against other players
13. Attempt to modify any part of The Matrix Online game client, including, but not limited to any data sent between the client and the game server
14. Impersonate MxO staff members, customer support personnel, developers, producers or any SOE, Monolith, Warner Bros. Interactive or SEGA employee, past or present
15. Provide false or misleading information in your registered The Matrix Online game account and/or message board details
16. Post web links or URLs that point to content deemed inappropriate, as determined by MxO personnel
17. Violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation through the use of The Matrix Online properties
In addition, along with the guidelines addressed above, no user shall post obscene or defamatory content of any kind at any time while posting to the official online message board for The Matrix Online.