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Would you really take the Red-pill?
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Systemic Anomaly

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"The Matrix cannot tell you who you are."

I used to wonder what that meant, because it was one of those phrases that's difficult to wrap your head around, right? I thought it meant that the Matrix was a lie, but now I think I understand it a little more profoundly, especially in the context of this thread.

The Matrix is the lie; the mother of all lies. That makes everything that happens in the Matrix a lie, a sham, fake, unreal, staged. Every relationship, every feeling, every flavor you every tasted, all contrived to convince your mind that you are somewhere you're actually not, doing something you're not really doing, and being someone you actually can't possibly be. If our whole existence in the Matrix were a part of that lie, then there really wouldn't be a choice, as far as I'm concerned.

Red pill, please.

Message edited by ShiXinFeng on 02/14/2008 09:09:09.

Code Breaker

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ZaneZavin wrote:
Hmm, but doesn't reality suck?  Who I am in mxo is who I would really be.

Only if you think it does.

The point which I think is mostly left out is that ultimately "in the real" is the only way your are going to make long term change happen. What is the Matrix really? IMO a giant battery so complex that you can get inside of it and that its for the most part the heart of another sentient being.

What would have happened if after Neo's truce Zion simply agreed to remove any newly awakened humans from the simulation and not allow them to return to it, all the while they simply stayed away from the Matrix and because of a sizable genetic diversity could, with careful effort, rebuild the human race from those already freed? The untimate goal being to clear the sky to restore solar power or develop a more efficient method of power generation in cooperation with the Machine to ween them off the Matrix as a power source and let them go about their way.

We go about our way they go about theirs. Perhaps pie in the sky as far as ideas go but one that doesn't bring the human race towards extinction.

my thoughts on the matter.


Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 16, 2006
Messages: 4814

If it has never happened to you, you can never say how'd you decide. I'm sorry if it sounds ... bad or something, but it's the same about Nazi Germany. Would you have really joined them or would you have gone into the resistance? You weren't there, you can't decide just based on stories. Of course, all people nowadays would say "Of course not" "Don't be ridiculous".

It's not a choice you can decide upon if it doesn't happen right in front of you.

Ascendent Logic

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9mmfu wrote:
ZaneZavin wrote:
Hmm, but doesn't reality suck?  Who I am in mxo is who I would really be.

Only if you think it does.

The point which I think is mostly left out is that ultimately "in the real" is the only way your are going to make long term change happen. What is the Matrix really? IMO a giant battery so complex that you can get inside of it and that its for the most part the heart of another sentient being.

What would have happened if after Neo's truce Zion simply agreed to remove any newly awakened humans from the simulation and not allow them to return to it, all the while they simply stayed away from the Matrix and because of a sizable genetic diversity could, with careful effort, rebuild the human race from those already freed? The untimate goal being to clear the sky to restore solar power or develop a more efficient method of power generation in cooperation with the Machine to ween them off the Matrix as a power source and let them go about their way.

We go about our way they go about theirs. Perhaps pie in the sky as far as ideas go but one that doesn't bring the human race towards extinction.

my thoughts on the matter.


Then we share similar visions 9mmfu.  I myself have always known that this world is merely a shadow of a bigger world or worlds.  If I had the choice to take the red pill I would do so with pleasure.  I seek truth, and if I found that the veil could be lifted away, and I had a chance to help save those who still slumber, I would do so. 

Ascendent Logic

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Red. It's the smell...

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 3613

ShiXinFeng wrote:

"The Matrix cannot tell you who you are."

I used to wonder what that meant, because it was one of those phrases that's difficult to wrap your head around, right? I thought it meant that the Matrix was a lie, but now I think I understand it a little more profoundly, especially in the context of this thread.

The Matrix is the lie; the mother of all lies. That makes everything that happens in the Matrix a lie, a sham, fake, unreal, staged. Every relationship, every feeling, every flavor you every tasted, all contrived to convince your mind that you are somewhere you're actually not, doing something you're not really doing, and being someone you actually can't possibly be. If our whole existence in the Matrix were a part of that lie, then there really wouldn't be a choice, as far as I'm concerned.

Red pill, please.

Amen, well-said.

Also, 9mm and Machete have bring up a good point. Ezechiel(like myself) Would detest the Matrix for the lie it represents and would want to stay out of it. I'll also point out that the majority of people in Zion aren't all that unhappy in Zion itself. It's being away on a cold ship near the surface that people complain about. The only thing that would keep he and Serenity in the tunnels would be the prospect of freeing the people that want out.

To what GodGiver said, no we can't truly say unless or until that scenario plays out before us, but this is still a valid discussion if for nothing else than for all of us to get a better idea of the situation we are in as redpills. Seeing some of the assumptions and far-fetched theories brought up in some of the recent live events threads and regarding the war, I think a realistic look at what's going on is in order.

As far as the Nazi Germany analogy, I'd be either in the resistance or a casualty of war because of my ethnicity more so than choices. SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 29, 2005
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Location: HvCft Transom


I'd take the redpill, if only to well....mow down alot of people without an actual negative effect ....


Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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I'd say if someone explained it to me, I'd probably take the redpill just because of my curiosity. Then, as Yas said, I would regret it, and wanna go back to being a blue.


Joined: Sep 22, 2005
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Nothing could be worse than living a lie, and when you know that, unlike a blue, when in trouble, you can bend the rules and get out of trouble.
Provided it followed MxO's path, I'd probably do like my character and work for the Machines.

Message edited by Travi on 02/14/2008 20:27:36.

Jacked Out

Joined: Sep 29, 2005
Messages: 5031
Location: HvCft Transom

How is it that I'm the only sob that would just take it for the power? SMILEY

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Oct 31, 2005
Messages: 696

Cause you're a Merv in Mech clothing?

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
Messages: 3613

Marias said he would too. SMILEY

Jacked Out

Joined: Jun 20, 2006
Messages: 1173

Aquatium. wrote:
I've been a redpill since I was school. Me and one of my friends used to actually discuss the whole theory of what we see through our eyes was actually what was really there, and this was before the Matrix was ever out, so I've always though in that manner from a young age. On that basis I know if Zion was real and had offered me the choice at that age I would easily go with Red, it's just the type of person I was/am, just the way I have always thought about the world. Even now I truly believe there is a unlocked potential in man, but were fara from intelligent enough to grasp it.

Yeah, it's called The Allegory of the Cave.

Plato, and Socrates have discussed this before the movie too. I believe Neo even had the book in his apartment in the first movie.

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