Cadsuane at least came up with a constructive argument.
Here's something else people might find useful:
Initiate Gear (requirement sets 1-9) combined attributes:Melee Damage Resistance - 43ptsBallistic Damage Resistance - 40ptsThrown Resistance - 63ptsViral Resistance - 20ptsMelee Accuracy Bonus - 2%Ballistic, Thrown and Viral Accuracy Bonus - 1%Force Combat, Initiative and Determination Bonus - 1%Movement Speed - 15%Jump - 20ptsNoise Level Modifier - 10pts
Requires: 36 Kunoichi Initiate Shurikens + 3 Kunoichi Initiate Tokens (12 + 1 each for one colour set)
Master Gear (requirement sets 10-18) combined attributes:Melee Damage Resistance - 55ptsBallistic Damage Resistance - 52ptsThrown Resistance - 81ptsViral Resistance - 26ptsMelee Accuracy Bonus - 4%Ballistic, Thrown and Viral Accuracy Bonus - 2%Force Combat, Initiative and Determination Bonus - 2%Movement Speed - 20%Jump - 20ptsNoise Level Modifier - 10pts
Requires: 72 Kunoichi Master Shurikens + 3 Kunoichi Master Tokens (24 + 1 each for one colour set)
Grandmaster Gear (requirement sets 19-27) combined attributes:Melee Damage Resistance - 69ptsBallistic Damage Resistance - 66ptsThrown Resistance - 102ptsViral Resistance - 33ptsMelee Accuracy Bonus - 6%Ballistic, Thrown and Viral Accuracy Bonus - 3%Force Combat, Initiative and Determination Bonus - 3%Movement Speed - 25%Jump - 20ptsNoise Level Modifier - 10pts
Requires: 108 Kunoichi Grandmaster Shurikens + 3 Kunoichi Grandmaster Tokens (36 + 1 each for one colour set)
From my beginner Kunoichi quest guide on the Collector Quests section of my site. The only thing I need are the level ranges of the master, grandmaster and daimyo toy boxes. The Initiate one is 26-35 but what are the others?
The Initiate one is 26-35 but what are the others?
I'm sticking this here just for future reference if anyone has the money for solo-ing GM boxes without outside buffs or heals.
If you have hundreds of millions of info like I do, there's a certain strategy you can use if you're tired of getting no shurikens off mobs that seem to take forever to kill.Let's take the Grandmaster Box. It costs 5 million info, and it spawns ninjas from level 51-70. Using my CT load I can farm up to level 56 just by myself with no outside buffs or items, but at 57 I no longer start hitting over minimum damage + the ninja tends to overwhelm me with huge damage every time I lose a roll.So.Generally, when you're by yourself that means no shurikens for anyone else, just for you. Buy a few boxes, like 6-10. Go to the construct, drop it, using the Kung Fu/CT load for maximum accuracy (if you have any trouble with this, just look at Zudrag's FAQ/Guide) and farm up to 55 or 56 (I prefer 55, because without some extra help the 56 can prove tedious) and then abandon the box.This is the problem you get though. With the current box system lay-out, you have opened a box and have not finished it, leaving it to sit so the ninja will just aggro on anybody who comes near. You can open another box if you wish, but all you'll see is the lights and smoke, but no ninjas will come after you. Why? This is because (even after leaving the construct/relogging) the boxes are tied to whoever dropped them. If you don't finish it, you have to wait the entire 2 hours (the ninjas will keep spawning even after the 91 minute timer runs out, i.e. no box loot but the box is still tied to you) to drop another one, and that's too long, yes?So what we do is get other people in the construct, that haven't dropped a box at all today or in the past few hours (and trust me there are usually plenty who haven't and are just helping other people as they cannot solo themselves) and get them to drop the box for you. Repeat the process and you should at least be getting 1 piece of level 50 clothing a day.Granted, the process has made me spend around 60mil so far.
If you have hundreds of millions of info like I do, there's a certain strategy you can use if you're tired of getting no shurikens off mobs that seem to take forever to kill.
Let's take the Grandmaster Box. It costs 5 million info, and it spawns ninjas from level 51-70. Using my CT load I can farm up to level 56 just by myself with no outside buffs or items, but at 57 I no longer start hitting over minimum damage + the ninja tends to overwhelm me with huge damage every time I lose a roll.
Generally, when you're by yourself that means no shurikens for anyone else, just for you. Buy a few boxes, like 6-10. Go to the construct, drop it, using the Kung Fu/CT load for maximum accuracy (if you have any trouble with this, just look at Zudrag's FAQ/Guide) and farm up to 55 or 56 (I prefer 55, because without some extra help the 56 can prove tedious) and then abandon the box.
This is the problem you get though. With the current box system lay-out, you have opened a box and have not finished it, leaving it to sit so the ninja will just aggro on anybody who comes near. You can open another box if you wish, but all you'll see is the lights and smoke, but no ninjas will come after you. Why? This is because (even after leaving the construct/relogging) the boxes are tied to whoever dropped them. If you don't finish it, you have to wait the entire 2 hours (the ninjas will keep spawning even after the 91 minute timer runs out, i.e. no box loot but the box is still tied to you) to drop another one, and that's too long, yes?
So what we do is get other people in the construct, that haven't dropped a box at all today or in the past few hours (and trust me there are usually plenty who haven't and are just helping other people as they cannot solo themselves) and get them to drop the box for you. Repeat the process and you should at least be getting 1 piece of level 50 clothing a day.
Granted, the process has made me spend around 60mil so far.
Quick question. I buy a grandmaster box and have a team and we do the box. We are all level 50.
How many Kunoichi Grandmaster Shurikens can I expect to collect per box, roughly?
Quick question. I buy a grandmaster box and have a team and we do the box. We are all level 50.How many Kunoichi Grandmaster Shurikens can I expect to collect per box, roughly?
Villemar_MxO wrote:Quick question. I buy a grandmaster box and have a team and we do the box. We are all level 50.How many Kunoichi Grandmaster Shurikens can I expect to collect per box, roughly?That's a good question. I think it's fairly random, because I have had that scenario and I have received as low as 3 shurikens and as high as 12.
Villemar_MxO wrote:Quick question. I buy a grandmaster box and have a team and we do the box. We are all level 50.How many Kunoichi Grandmaster Shurikens can I expect to collect per box, roughly?Ok since i did this last night,the magic number is 10...You face 20 npc's and you get 10 shurikens.*sigh*
Argh!! Stupid ninja cows kept ki sweeping me last night with chloe's box.
I've come up with all kinds of 'creative' names for those $%#&$% ninja cows too... it seems to help. ^_^ lol
I've come up with all kinds of 'creative' names for those $%#&$% ninja cows
Phluff wrote:I've come up with all kinds of 'creative' names for those $%#&$% ninja cows -_-
Having Sparkles turned on also helps. -_-
...they don't like the sparkles. -_-