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"Reaching Toward the Horizon..."
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Hidden Resource

Joined: Dec 13, 2008
Messages: 15

TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]

Subject: Location, location, location

Hey, I think I found a good site for our next session: how about the park below that funky staircase monument in Rogers Way?



TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Location, location, location

Nice spot, but there's those wierd rent-a-cops in those sick-looking yellow uniforms that hang around there. And I've seen some strange shite go down there. Wasn't there a ritual sacrifice or something there some time ago, or am I thinking of somewhere else?


Matriculated Mind

Joined: Sep 26, 2007
Messages: 449
Location: HvrCFT Legends

shites allowed on DN1???


that makes no sense to me


it nothing to do with fallen horizon???

Hidden Resource

Joined: Dec 13, 2008
Messages: 15

Text message: Harry Rammhausen to Macauley Peters

Hey, Mac, I scoped out that site you emailed me about, and I found this funny writing on the side of the monument. Looks like its in some kind of code. You mind breaking it for me?







Message edited by Ascendency on 12/30/2008 15:25:13.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 1, 2006
Messages: 3314
Location: Los Angeles, CA

CraftyZee wrote:

shites allowed on DN1???


that makes no sense to me


it nothing to do with fallen horizon???

When I saw it, I was confused too. Has nothing to do with us, as far as I know.

Matriculated Mind

Joined: Sep 26, 2007
Messages: 449
Location: HvrCFT Legends

Mave wrote:

CraftyZee wrote:

shites allowed on DN1???


that makes no sense to me


it nothing to do with fallen horizon???

When I saw it, I was confused too. Has nothing to do with us, as far as I know.


bitchh where r u

u have been back ages and i havnt seen u on rec yet

come punt me!!!!!!!


u iz lyk teh best nekkid peeveepeeah evah


lmfao SMILEY

Hidden Resource

Joined: Dec 13, 2008
Messages: 15

TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]

SUBJECT: FW: Translation 

Just got this wierdo message about that text I sent you; I think someone hacked my cellphone, so could you call me on a landline?


At least the guy was helpful

Attached message:

TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]

Subject: Translation

The code you saw on the monument means:

"Then... where is my dream?  It is the continuation of reality."



TO: [email protected]
FROM: [email protected]

SUBJECT: RE: FW: Translation

Man, what's going on? Is this some of that Redpill subculture stuff? Didn't know they were anime freaks, too. That line's from End of Evangelion, IIRC.

I think that location of yours is haunted or something. Just installed a brand new radio in my car last night, after the dumb Choppers stole the last one. Well, I'm driving past the stairway monument on my way back from work, and it fuzzes out like the transistor had blown. Except I'm picking up what sounded like a garbled cellphone conversation, a chick talking to some guy, something about a Frenchman. Then it got dead quiet, and the chick says, clear as a bell, like she knew I was listening in, "Reality is up for grabs. Gnosis is the key. Ascension is the goal." Then it cut out and the music came back up like nothing had happened. There's something wierd going on here, or else someone slipped me a bad joint at Keira's party the other night.


Hidden Resource

Joined: Dec 13, 2008
Messages: 15

The Sentinel: Radio Station reports blackout

BALDWIN HEIGHTS --"Normally, I'd attribute this to ice on the transmitter, but we looked: it was clear as the proverbial bell," says Gabriel Marcone, a technician and sometime program director at KFMC, a radio station broadcasting a blend of talk radio and "an eclectic mix of music", under the aegis of Network Media. He and three other station workers were launching a test for a new broadcast line-up, scheduled to become a new evening feature starting on January 1st, when he reports "really strange interference" which disrupted the transmission. "I've been working in this field since I was in college," says the forty-seven year old former political studies major, "and I haven't heard anything like this. It was as if someone just jacked the signal and borrowed it for five minutes, then it was gone."

Mr. Marcone goes on to say that "some kind of movie soundtrack type music" started to play, and then a female voice began to speak. His assistant, Erica Fermi, jotted down part of the announcement, which ran in part thus:

"Reality is in an unfamiliar place, and dreams are within reality. And the truth is within your heart. But people must act of their own free will, or nothing will change at all. So you must find your lost self on your own..." After that, the foreign signal cut out and Mr. Marcone and his crew were able to regain control of their uplink.

Security detected no intruders in the building, and it is believed that someone outside may have "hacked" into the signal.


Hidden Resource

Joined: Dec 13, 2008
Messages: 15

Blog post at

12.31.1999 1:01 PM, Capitol City Time

All right, users of magic, barring any glitches, we're going to aim for having our next session at the Ascension Monument in Rogers Way tomorrow night, January 1st, around 4 pm local time. Perfect location for Mariel's ascension, right? Let's hope those rent-a-cops don't get any funny ideas, but if it gets too heated, we can always move the session to the VIP room of the local club. Keira's dad knows the guy who owns the club, so she's managed to work something out as a back-up plan. I've found a kickin' radio station that cranks out good tunes for the session, so I'll have the radio with us.

Comment added:

Larpling @ 3:03 PM, Capitol City Time

I know I pitched the location, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe someone slipped something into my soda last night, but I was there earlier today and I swore I heard wings flapping, big wings, like angels or something and these big shadows kept passing overhead...

Hidden Resource

Joined: Dec 13, 2008
Messages: 15

TO: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

SUBJECT: Where were you??????

Harry, you'd better have a good explanation for where you were last night. Matt, Macauley, Billy and Georgia and me were waiting over an hour in the cold, and then those rent-a-cops in those ugly yellow suits came over and started bugging us. You stood us up!


Blog post at

1.02.1999 6:06 PM Capitol City Time

Okay, okay, yeah, I was nowhere to be found at the new location last night. Grandma's pacemaker started acting up and we had to bring her to the hospital. The doctors are having a hard time stabilizing her, so I'm afraid I'll have to postpone our next session till tomorrow night, Saturday, the 3rd at the same time.

And Mac, I think those angel-wing hallucinations are catching: I was heading into work, and I swore I heard angels flying overhead.

Hidden Resource

Joined: Dec 13, 2008
Messages: 15

Blog post at

1.03.1999 1:25 PM Capitol City Time

Okay, grandma's out of the woods, though she's still in the hospital. My aunt wanted me to stay home tonight instead of (her words) "wasting time with that sinful game", but the hospital chaplain actually put in a good word for me: said I needed to keep to my regular routine and go ahead with any plans I may have had. Of course Aunt Therese was indignant, but she's not one to disobey a padre. Thank the fates I crossed paths with a cool priest; almost makes me want to go back to going to Mass, just to pay back what I owe. So, barring an attack of killer angels, we should be good to go tonight at 4 PM.

Comment added:

Lucra @ 1:45 PM

Well, you should have found a way to come the other night anyway.

Mariel @ 2.o2 PM

Bette, just what did *your* last slave die from?? Knock it off, Harry had a perfectly good reason for not showing up.

MC Photographer

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 3758
Location: La Tour de Merovee, Outpost Segur

All right, I'd better bring this campaign to its logical close...

Last night saw the launch of a brand new radio station, Ascendant Radio, a blend of tunes and talk, sponsored by our liege lord, the Merovingian, masterminded by Kreis and LeMinou, with technical support by Noxton, and graphic design for our station logo by SenaDe. We'd like to thank everyone who braved the crazy gangs and Agents in Rogers Way and joined us on the Ascension Monument and in Club Kaos for the launch party, and to Nicks and Tetrino for supplying rezzes and recalls. I hope you all had a good time, and I look forward to many more fun nights like it.

You can visit our site at: Feel free to sign up at our forums and post your song requests

And you can hear us, jacked in or jacked out, at:

Free Mind

Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Messages: 132
Location: Syntax

((LMAO. Awesome. That was a pretty cool setup.))

Veteran Hacker

Joined: Sep 14, 2007
Messages: 178
Location: Recursion - RP-PVE

MC Photographer

Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 3758
Location: La Tour de Merovee, Outpost Segur

NavMatrix wrote:

((LMAO. Awesome. That was a pretty cool setup.))

(( Hee, thanks. I wanted to keep everyone in suspense over what we were planning, and I wanted to be really sneaky -- in a good way! -- about the clues we gave out. We had a few of the usual technical difficulties along the way, but between the lot of us, we came up with a clever cover for the snags we hit.))

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