"Finally you need to select a unique hacker “handle” for your character."
Hacker sounds a little restricted and may confuse someone completely new to the game "What? am i instantly a hacker?". Besides, not everyones background stories has them as the classic Matrix 'hacker getting into the redpill crowd via crazy chat rooms'.
Solution? Just change the word hacker to redpill.
"And, if you do so, you are likely to be at level 5 before you move deeper into the city."
I dunno, i feel the level 5 comment is a little bland and doesn't make em feel like it matters or is a good idea as much as it should.
I suggest saying 'to be at a healthy level 5'. That one little word makes a lot of difference when reading it from a newbie perspective. Makes it 'friendlier' too.
The second 'abilites' should be in apostraphies (sp?) it refers to something they should be clicking from a selection of options.
The 'click here' bit should also be on a seperate line as opposed to stuck on the end of the bullet point.
"Make sure you have all your activated Abilities in your hotbar before moving out. Open the Action panel (Hotkey: O) and drag each into a spot on the hotbar"
Not really referring to the guide here but is this mentioned in the in-game tuturial? Last i heard it was confusing for players to understand how to 'calibrate' their tactics.
"Doing work for all the Collectors will earn you some Enhanced items (items with upgrades or "buffs". It will take a total of 19 Chopper Keys ( Exile gang collectible items) to earn them all. This will take a bit of time, but you'll also be earning experience, $Info, and other items as you do so"
Just for added clarification i think it should read "Doing work for all the Uriah collectors" and "(The local exile gang's collectible item)"
"They let you get anywhere inside the world instantly-keep your eyes peeled!"
Reads better if "-- so keep your eyes peeled!"
"You fill this capacity by purchasing or coding new Abilities to use. Make sure you continue to gain Abilities so you can use all available memory space."
Be nice to have 'and fufill your current potential' on the end. Just sounds cool and i think the focus should be more about being powerful and kick *CENSORED* than just mindlessly filling your memory space.
Agreed Trax, the images across the site need to definately be better (that download now agent anyone?)
Also agreed on the dojo and redpill shots.
The 'talk to your fellow redpills' one has A LOT of potential...
Welcome to the real world, redpill. My name is Tyndall, and I was once an operative for Zion, like you. Now, I train new recruits and sometimes act as an operator for those working within the Matrix.
As a newly awakened coppertop, you have a lot to learn about how the Matrix works now that you are unplugged. Fortunately for you, you are not the first one to make the transition. And, by understanding your new role in the world, you also will not be the last.
There is a lot of information to download, but this article will get you started. Review it carefully and your first time jacking in will not be too uncomfortable.
After you’ve chosen your server, it is time to create your character. You can have up to three characters on each server, for a total of nine possible characters.
First, you will be prompted to select a personality archetype. These archetypes modify your beginning Statistics: Each one grants +3 to one Statistic and -3 to another. Though this choice will affect your character’s initial capabilities, everybody changes after taking the red pill and you will be given the chance to alter your character’s attributes as you gain experience.
Click here for more detailed information on Archetypes and Statistics.
The next step is to create an appearance for your character’s RSI (Residual Self Image). Spend some time now on choosing your physical traits because they cannot be changed after this point. The one exception is clothing, which you’ll see is limited here, but that will soon be remedied. Once you jack in and start exploring the Matrix you will find yourself overwhelmed with new and stylish options for just about any taste.
Finally you need to select a unique hacker “handle” for your character. Each handle is not only unique to the server, but unique across all servers. You will also be asked to create a name for your character’s name as a bluepill (for example, Neo’s name as a bluepill was “Thomas Anderson&rdquo.
Once you create your character you will be put into your first mission. This mission will help you understand the basics of movement, combat, and interacting with other players and the environment.
You will still have a lot to learn after you finish the Tutorial, but there are Guides awaiting your arrival. After you jack out of the Tutorial and watch the first cinematic, you will find yourself at the Uriah Industrial N E hardline. Straight in front of you is an NPC Collector named Clio. Double click her to start learning your about your new Awakened life.
There are five Guide Collectors and one Neighborhood Collector in Uriah Industrial and you will want to work for each before you leave the area. There is nothing stopping you from running off into the wilds of the Matrix without doing so, but there are certainly incentives for any player to work for all the Collectors. And, if you do so, you are likely to be at level 5 before you move deeper into the city.
When you finish talking to Clio, do as she asks and load up your Abilities. Turn around, right click the hardline, and select Abilities. Load up with everything you have available, which includes Abilities from the Coder, Hacker, and Operative branches. Click here for specific information on your initial Ability loadout.
Make sure you have all your activated Abilities in your hotbar before moving out. Open the Action panel (Hotkey: O) and drag each into a spot on the hotbar.
Create a simulacrum to help you out (Remote Proxy 1.0). This handy “pet” will do a lot of your work for you and take some of the heat in combat as well.
Use your Evade Combat Ability to create a “shield” around your character. Even if you plan on going into Interlock combat, it will keep NPCs from drawing you in before you are ready.
Whenever you gain a level, take a moment to increase your Stats and Ability levels. The most important Ability to level up is Awakened—if you don’t have enough $Information to level everything, level Awakened first.
Doing work for all the Collectors will earn you some Enhanced items (items with upgrades or “buffs&rdquo. It will take a total of 19 Chopper Keys ( Exile gang collectible items) to earn them all. This will take a bit of time, but you’ll also be earning experience, $Info, and other items as you do so.
By the time you make level 5 in Uriah, you will have a pretty good handle on the basics of life as a redpill. There is still much to learn, but you will be ready to handle the challenges of the adjoining neighborhoods. Here is some advice to help you on your way.
The last thing you’ll be asked to do (by Collector RPM) will be to synchronize the Uriah Industrial SW Hardline. This does two things: Adds a new hardline to your available list and gives you experience. Possibly the most important thing you will do while adventuring in the Matrix is Synchronize new hardlines. They let you get anywhere inside the world instantly—keep your eyes peeled!
You already know that it takes a lot of $Information to keep your Abilities leveled up. You will also need it to buy and create items, including your Ability Codes. While you can earn $Info by taking out Exile gang members, the easiest way to earn more is by taking missions. You can reach your Organization contact at any time through the Mission panel (Hotkey: N). Contact him or her and earn some $Info while working for the cause.
Looking at your Ability tree, you will have extra memory capacity by the time you reach the Uriah Industrial SW hardline. As you gain experience, you also gain memory capacity. You fill this capacity by purchasing or coding new Abilities to use. Make sure you continue to gain Abilities so you can use all available memory space.
Unsynchronized hardlines grant experience when tagged.
The Decompile Ability and Code Decompiler item will make your life much easier in the Matrix. With the Ability loaded, you can use the decompiler to reduce items to their component bits. These, in turn, can be uploaded to your Code Archive and later used to create other items. If you decompile an item you do not yet know how to make, you will earn experience and learn the code recipe for the item. If you already know how to make the item, you will break it down into bits.
You can find the Decompile Ability on any Coder Vendor and the Code Decompiler on any Item Vendor in the Matrix. Get them early, level the Ability when you can, and decompile often.
The greatest source of information about the Matrix is the redpills who inhabit the world within the system. They can assist you in missions, Hardline locations, infiltration of exile bases and fill you in on the vital developments that occur across the Megacity. You will also see the advantage of the Faction system as you progress through the game. When you join a faction, or crew, you will play along with other redpills in the game as part of a group. This system will increase your capabilities and enjoyment within your time in The Matrix Online.
Forming a Crew
In order to form a Crew, a character must have a sufficiently high reputation score with the Organization that Crew is to be affiliated with. Once a character has achieved this Reputation level, he can begin recruiting. Two characters are required for a new Crew to be formed. To form a Crew, a character must successfully recruit another individual using the Crew UI. If the recruited individual accepts, a Crew is formed and the character who initiated the recruitment is designated as the Crew Captain. A Character can never be in more than one Crew at a time.
Naming the Crew
Upon successful formation of a new Crew, the Captain will be prompted on the Crew Management panel to name the Crew. A default name is presented in the form of "Character Name's Crew". Crew names must be unique, and must pass through the Obscenity Filter. Once a Crew name has been chosen, it cannot be changed.
Organization Affiliation
Crews receive equipment allocation based on their collective Reputation with an Organization. A Crews Reputation is the sum of all the members Reputations. The Crew's Reputation does not need to be updated more than once per day.
Recruiting Crew Members
Other characters can be added to the Crew by selecting them and clicking the "Invite" button on the Crew interface panel. If a target character is already a member of another Crew, the Invite button is not available. Any Crewmember can invite other characters to join the Crew, until the maximum number of characters is met (twelve Crew members). Characters must be in the same general area in order to send and receive Crew invitations. Characters in Interlock cannot receive Crew invitations. In this situation, the player sending the invitation receives an error message, stating that this character is unavailable.
The founder of the Crew is automatically designated as the Captain. The Crew Captain has special authority over certain Crew resources and organization. One of these authorities is the ability to designate a First Mate. A First Mate is a member of the Captain's Crew that shares some of the abilities with the Captain. These are described further below.
Crew Management
The Captain is the only character that can kick other characters out of the Crew. A Captain can also disband a Crew completely. All of this functionality is in the Crew Management panel. Crew Communication
Upon creation of a Crew, a Crew Chat Channel is automatically created. This Chat Channel is updated as Crewmates leave, and new Crewmates are recruited.
You can customize your character's RSI (Residual Self Image) in many ways.
Disbanding a Crew
The Captain's Crew Management interface includes an option for "Disbanding the Crew". If they choose to do so, the Crew is disbanded and the Crew is gone forever. Any and all resources of the Crew are lost. Players could start a new Crew with the same name, but for all purposes of the game, it would be a completely different Crew. At any time, a player can quit the Crew from the Crew interface. To rejoin, they need to have a Crewmember invite them to join again.
Shared Crew Resources
Use Repair RSI 1.0 to heal yourself and/or your SIM if needed. Health pills are handy but at this stage in the game you won't have an unlimited supply, so use the abilies you have to stay alive.
I cant be bothered reading everyones post so sorry if i repeat this but i didnt see any mention of outside of melee attack, ive seen people to lvl 20 and not knowing about them. Also i would recomend u have this page on the (ingame) TV or whatever as not everyone goes on the forums.
Also everyones Tyndall pictures are much better than the guides and tbh all the images suck in there. Also i would recomend u talk a bit about code bits, or atleast have an image of one as the question of what they do has been asked a lot.
Otherwise very nice.