For a while, their was concern of vectors population depleting until it hit rock bottom. However, i think its say to say the population is no longer declining. Which of course, is good!
However, it isnt exactly increasing. Although new people appear to be jacking into vector everyday, you dont seem to stick around for very long, which is somewhat disturbing.
I think we the ppl of vector should put our heads together to figure out increase new players motivation to stay with us.
Any ideas?
I think we all should be a little more willing and go out of our way to help new players. That would make a big difference.
However, 90% of new players on Vector are somebody's alt.
Stop being tools and maybe it'll happen
just a suggestion
Most people i see making posts about starting MxO, are starting to RP, eww. So with not a lot of RP here and also 'no-one plays here', newbies are tending to hit up syntax. Theres nothing much that we can do, ain't as though we can shell out a new brain to them and go, hey combat system rocks, fook typing and play!!! lol
Been trying to find out peoples reasons why they won't lvl up on vector. I figured out that most people are wimps of dying in an online world (wow reconning only takes 2 secs) and its the whole, our server is dead kinda thing. Everyone that plays here, knows we ain't dead, just not as busy as we once was.
The ones that are afraid of dying are just wimps, i wouldn't call that the reason.
Several factors for any competent palyer not leveling up on vector:
-General boredom of the game now events are gone.
-Add that to the ridicolous grind, doing it again is not fun.
-Add that to probable lack of friends on a foreign server.
Been trying to level a machine alt on vector, different name and everything. Got to lvl 10, archives are sending me to westview, lack hls to go anywhere else than north richland, the only players i see are busy hunting each other down, thats it. Meh...
Rofl, 99% of them all are not tagged alt chars or synt/recurs alt chars loggin in just for crappy events.
Open yer eyez dude, the mxo way to survive is just one: all server merge in 1 hostile server!
(I cud accept taggin lvl rise at 30 for that)
I'm leveling alts and i think the best way to get people to stay would be to have people actually willing to mission. Let's be honest, how many of the vector veterans have actually been on a mission team lately with 6 people ACTUALLY RUNNING MISSIONS! The grind for lowbies is downright evil and inhumane, but i've noticed that hours fly by when you are in a lively mission team that is having friendly conversations and trying to make the best of the situation. Solo, I can only bear about 1 archive ticket (5 missions for the pvpers out there who can't remember Th3 GrInD!1) but with a team dedicated to missions i can easily do .5 - 1 levels a day (lv 30+) My point is we can get people to stay by actually doing stuff with lowbies. I was pleased to meet a new player (Micael) who came over here from Everquest. We helped explain the different classes ect. and i was pleased to see that he was invited to join a faction within 2 hours of our meeting, but i didn't see anyone helping him out after that. My faction mates were getting /tells from him asking for help even though he now has a faction to do that. I bet he'll get bored and exhausted and go back to everquest because no one will help him and show him how much fun this game is.
***My point for people who saw this post and didn't read it because it was long***
Mission with lowbies reguardless of whose faction they are in or even if you are 100% sure that they are alts (alts can be from syntax/recursion too! and it makes me happy to steal their players hehe). Lowbies are always out there, just type in /who and give a lowbie a shout from a faction you know is your organization. Deimos has tons from what i've seen
I'm a mission I am a lowbies best friend ! I will mission, make clothes, give info,advice,do nodes..anything.
But I've lost count of the amount of ppl I've helped, invested time and money in, just for them to disappear, some even at lvl 50.
I have a crew full of inactive players (too soft to boot em in case they return) lol
Natedog is the only other player i know that is a mission junkie too.
So any future or present machine lowbies...give us a call.
Well the populations just gone up by 1 again
Mona wrote:
DE is very lowbie friendly as well since we have pleny of ppl online at all times and have no problem running mishes