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Hurricane Wilma Discussion
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 2, 2005
Messages: 3511
Location: HvCft Lion

Ditto :smileyhappy:


Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 643

holy moly was that pic what a hurricane looks like close up?

last i heard Wilma is a cat. 2 that was at like 3am this morning central time.

once again, best wishes to all.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4016
Location: Texas

Someone seriously had the guts to one star my post in this thread.  Who ever did it is pathetic and needs help.

Its people like you bandit who are trying to ruin whats left of this community.

Message Edited by FAOrien on 10-19-2005 09:08 PM
Message edited by FAOrien on 10/19/2005 18:08:24.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 2, 2005
Messages: 3511
Location: HvCft Lion

Someone seriously had the guts to one star my post in this thread.  Who ever did it is pathetic and needs help.Its people like you bandit who are trying to ruin whats left of this community.

*CENSORED* they did it to me as well :smileysad:

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 4016
Location: Texas

I gave ya 5.:smileyhappy:

Anyway I heard that its making its way toward the Gulf coast states
with winds at about 175.  Hopefully it will degrade rapidly before
it hits.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 643

i officially 5 starred every post in this thread.

even though stars dont mean **Bleep**.


Edited due to Cuss masking.

Message Edited by MOD_D on 10-20-2005 10:22 AM
Message edited by Xorbeus on 10/20/2005 09:22:58.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 456
Location: Tamarac Florida

hello! i   would like to give bad news * i didnt want to but i have to* i am in  florida where Wilma might strike so fellow red pills i hope i get through alright if i do ill give u details and stuff but till then bid me best of luck(:'

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1169

Take care and good luck.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 456
Location: Tamarac Florida

thnx and god bless you for caring.  GOD BLESS U ALL YOU GUYS ROCK!

Joined: Oct 6, 2005
Messages: 674
Location: Right behind you.


We already have a thread for the discussion of Wilma which is stickied
at the top of these forums.  Before posting such topics in the
future, try to use the search fuction available to all users and check
stickies to see if something has already been started.

That said, do be careful.  A hurricane, no matter how strong or
weak is still a force of nature.  If they tell you to get out, get

I'm going to merge this thread with the current Wilma topic so nothing gets lost.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 441

It is not the end of the world. It is simply hurricane season. If it
were the end of the world, hurricans would be in every single state.

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 249
Location: Mobile,Al

Yea, ima catch some flames on this one..but..oh well. Ya know I live on
the gulf coast..I go through hurricanes every's no fun! But,
it annoys me to no end that every time a hurricane pops up you log on
the forums to see it stickied at the top...this is MxO..not the
National Weather Service if you guys are going to sticky
every..single..freakin..hurricane then please be prepared to have about
20 stickies at the top of this forum by the end of hurricane season!
Every hurricane that pops up isn't the end all be all of life and isn't
another Katrina...yea it sucks to have a hurricane hit..loss is
inevitable. Now I can only imagine the posts to follow this up. "You're
a sick and twisted individual"...nah probably not that bad..if you're
going to go on the trip that im cold hearted and don't
care..please...don't even try all I am saying is im just tired of
seeing a sticky for every storm that pops up..I live on the gulf coast
I hear this crap year round.

Joined: Sep 9, 2005
Messages: 58

HackViral, you're not being cold hearted, i dont see how you could be
considered that from that post, but the thing about these hurricane's
is that they are significantly worse and more frequent then they have
been in previous years. i mean, 3+ MAJOR hurricanes right after each
other isn't something that happens on a yearly basis. ya 3+ hurricanes
right after each other is common during hurricane season, but of the
magnitude of these ones?

anyway, <3 to everyone who may be in the path of Wilma. good luck!

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Messages: 3182
Location: Megacity, USA

Actually, every state wouldn't have a hurricane, considering they feed on warm water.  By the time it reached too far inland, it would be nothing.  And chance. If it WERE the end of the world, I'm sure it would be something else. Sorry, I have to get technical every now and then. SMILEY

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1095
Location: Trexx on Recursion

a YTMND for all people living in Florida at the moment.

Text Profanity alert.  There was your warning.

please get out of the way.  This is the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded.

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