Detrius_MXO wrote: Why not put cows in pods instead of humans? Wouldn't it be less trouble? That should show you that machines don't hate mankind since they allow them to survive when a cow would provide much more energy and less of a headache.
Because the story is about people, technology, and control. Also the movie wouldn't have sold (been greenlighted) based on cows in pods.
POwedMxOplayer wrote: Because the story is about people, technology, and control. Also the movie wouldn't have sold (been greenlighted) based on cows in pods.
alot of good points have been brought up. And you could go a thousand different ways with this, but i'll go for the biological side of this.
Ok i think it has to do with the brain activity between humans and cows.
On one side cows are less intelligent and resourceful because their brain activity and development is way below ours, this is because after thousands of years of evolution the genetic code that has carried on, shows that a cow would be better off using the energy that would normally take a brain to work, in a different area, like their stomachs.
So Humans have the most brain activity of all the animals on earth. Which means we have the most electrical impulses and signals being relayed. Morpheus mentioned that we produce like as much as 124 volt battery and blah blah BTU's. Other animals such as the cow would very much so have more BTU's than us. However we have more Volts which are more important than BTU's. because volts are pure electricity
So i guess what im trying to say is Humans are more energy efficient than cows. :smileyhappy:
Heat is a form of energy so the machines could harvest the electrical energy and then harvest the heat energy and convert it to electracal energy.
The awesome theories and answers have already been said (and 5*'d). So I'll just point this tidbit out...
Anyone look up the definition of MATRIX in the dictionary?
Having been a student of engineering I always saw it in the mathematical context of just a lattice... a structure for holding. Same thing with materials science, the matrix is just there to HOLD something...
But that's not what the dictionary says. Look at the etymology.
MATRIX is essentially synonymous with WOMB.
That implies something so much more and a little lightbulb comes on (that couldn't possibly be powered by body heat) when you consider the implications on this mythos we all know and love.
the answer my friends is easier as u would except.
machines are dumb in nature. Made of steel and plastic. Filled with lots of codes.
and i bet the codes comes from m....s...... after the war nobody was able to apply some patches and updates
thats why they dont use cows.
lol they call me a bluepill,
thanks for your time
Were there even cows around during the 2nd Renaissance? I didn't see any other animals 'cept for the pet kittens that B166ER's owners had. It seems likely that the humans lived in a time in which natural recources were wearing thin. I can't imagine cows being anywhere in abundance. The "Alien" novels depict the future that instead of using real meat for meals, they used "soypro".
And actually it seems more reasonable that after the war the more immediate response was to turn the enemies into something useful. The human survivors first became prisoners, then the machines put them to use. The machines are "efficient". They use what recources are immediately available.
Detrius, you ask a good question, but I heard someone ask an even better one. If the humans "scortched the sky" as an offensive tactic, why didn't the machines just leave earth and go to a different planet altogether. They're not exactly indigenous lifeforms. Heck they could probably survive in any environment. Build a new 01 in outer space for all that matters.
But the machines don't care about what's better. That's the way humans think. The machines care about what works currently. Imagine a robot boy and a human boy, they both get a Nintendo (the old NES). Now, the human boy will go out and buy the latest version. Super Nintendo, N64, Gamecube, and... the next one coming out (???). The robot boy however will continue using the old system as long as it works. The only time the robot boy may want to up it to the next version is if he experiences problems with his current system that cannot be repaired.
This is what happened with the first Matrix I imagine and why there's 6 versions. I can only imagine that the machines milked the first five versions for as long as they could be used. When repairs could no longer be made, they went to the next solution: upgrade to new version.
We humans are the ones who upgrade even if the current version is okay. If something is better, we go with the better version. It may be hard to believe but I don't imagine machines going simply with what's better, they go with what is readily available.
seiphroth wrote: in the movies has anybody seen anything that remotely looks like a storage unit (bar onboard the Zion ships)
in the movies has anybody seen anything that remotely looks like a storage unit (bar onboard the Zion ships)