In no particular order:

One of my later sigs and my current one. I felt it captured the creepiness of the Little Lad.

One of my pride and joys. Made from a youtube video. It showed me that despite knowing little to nothing about Photoshop, if you have the dedication to make it happen, it will. Personally, I think it came out great.

What's MxO without Drama? Seriously? This is an image of the day Checksum had a meltdown on the forums. Sorry about that Phi!
It wasn't anything personal, just calling it like I see it.

Does it really need explaination? But little known fact, I am a photoshop noob and this was the first time I discovered how to add the shadowy background on text so it stands out. What better way to show it off than a cluster eff of Pylons?

This shortlived sig was made by fellow factionmate IR0N who no longer plays. I haven't heard much from him at all recently. I miss the guy. Yes that's me punting IRL. No he didn't get hurt. It was taken after paintballing.

This delightful piece was made by the ever so delightful Meretrix. Made during the Boxers Revolution Part Deux. I never asked her for it and one day it just showed up in my possesion. A gift I will always cherish. Thanks Meretrix. <3. P.S /rose1 /rose2

This sig is homage to one of the most enjoyable moments of my life actually. The time I spent DJing on that show will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. Despite the lag, I tried my best to report the Live Event News as best I could. And it got me a chance to interview Walrus and to meet some very awesome people (TxTurbo and his Wife Rachel. I can't even remember her RSI's anymore). Of course RedLynk as well.

During my early stints as a member of FH's Naked Punt Squad. Most of the squad stopped going naked for fun and wore clothes for teh srs pvpz, I rode it out and had plenty of fun killing people off and of course pissing them off because they couldn't kill a naked man. Good times. Also one of my EARLIEST WORKS. I believe this is the second signature I photoshopped.

No Mave Signature catalog is complete without this signature. The sig to start it all. My MxO Clothing Balance signature. I do believe this is the FIRST signature I completed that I kept. I had one a long time ago with a small animation with Neji from Naruto on it, but that's long gone. This idea was originally spawned by boredom which led to deep thought. And yes, I do own a pair of heart boxers for the record. 

This is a signature made by the one and only Aquatium. Part of his FH Profile Series (Harry Potter Collectable Card Edition), I proudly wore this signature for a long time. It's been one of my favorites of course. The first sig I ever got with an FH tag I believe.
That was a handful. I think I'll post some more when I find them. I gotta dig through my external to see if it's secretly stashed somewhere.