betaprimus wrote: maybe the truth is, the one is not special, cause he just happens to be the resulting code from choice, but maybe rather than trying to be so anti-machine, to neglect the machines inside, to embrace the machines, "and get into a common understanding"
You got that right, cause the one never really wanted to fight and destroy the machines. By reaching to the source, he (maybe a she perhaps... who says it isnt possible, a female one) speaks to the Architect, they get to a "common understanding" chosing so and so from the zion people, rebuilding zion then and all that stuff. All to keep the cycle and the matrix and the bluepills and redpills alive.
However, This one, Neo, seems to be just not a normal one, because he did something nobody ever did before. He still got to a common understanding with the machines, just in a different way, and thought us something. Instead of trying to fight and destroy each other, we must work together and try to live a way we could all get benefist.Remember the first live event?....
"Bless all forms of life" - said in the animatrix.
Your theory is interesting, have to say i never thougth it that way.
Message Edited by Manolius on 03-01-200610:22 PM
Valid points, but not entirely. I believe the Oracle said something along the lines of "You felt the source, but weren't ready for it" (also, remember this was after his meeting, therefore he should of gone to the source already). I could be entirely wrong, but I thought that's why he ended up in Mobile Avenue - the buffer area between the Machine and Matrix worlds. He had to reattach his mind to his body (per se, for it never left) As for the stopping of the Sentinels... the nano-bot idea is feasible, after all the One is, ultimately, the creation of the Machines. Either that or he went wireless on their *CENSORED*.
And Smith? The same reason he could see the Machine world; Unlike in the Matrix, where code vision was crucial to his role, in the Real it was a "back-up" mechanism, and he could see the programming.
But for all of it, yeah, you could be right, since the Machines orchastrated the One and what powers he has, ultimately. Think of it as you will, I guess: Someone who can open a locked door, or someone who has merely had the door unlocked for him.
Message Edited by ShadowReapr on 03-01-200610:29 PM
Try eBay.
However, if I remember correctly, the nanobots were only mentioned in one documentation, and that one didn't really explain the movie but just told about real, scientific facts about AI, robot mechanics and virtual reality. The nanobots were a suggestion how the simulation could be delivered to directly to the brain with a 100% feeling of realism.
However, this theory about nanobots really sounds realistic. I was always kinda aware that the podborn redpills (I think podborn is superfluous because redpills actually mean podborn) are cyborgs, but not in that amount as betaprimus suggested.
I don't know if it really does have to be about nanobots: it could've been any kind of device planted in the body.