RemagDiv wrote:What exactly do we have to do to get an award and what can we /claim? It sounds really cool, just wondering if someone here has played an SOE game where they did that.
ShadowSK wrote:FAOrien wrote:Woot for vet rewards! Corporate Sponser?:smileysurprised:It's Under Armor.
FAOrien wrote:Woot for vet rewards! Corporate Sponser?:smileysurprised:
Ok So I bought the game maybe a month ago. It said a free trial on the box, but it was expired. So I started paying to play right away, So not only did I not get a free trial month, but now your telling me the people who started before me, and now after me get the morbius code. Am I just screwed or will some of us relativly new players be given morbius as well?
It says one character on the free trial versions will get morbius. DO I have to create a new character, will this be awared to my existing character or will I get hosed in this deal?
A quick clarification: The only current plan for using the /claim system is for the free trial. However, now that we have the system, we can do more things with it. What that is, is up to the designers.
Walrus wrote:A quick clarification: The only current plan for using the /claim system is for the free trial. However, now that we have the system, we can do more things with it. What that is, is up to the designers.
Walrus wrote: A quick clarification: The only current plan for using the /claim system is for the free trial. However, now that we have the system, we can do more things with it. What that is, is up to the designers.
I’ve seen some comments from veteran players about how we’re making these Abilities less special by adding them to a free trial. Why would we choose to use those Abilities instead of new ones? The answer is simple: Both Abilities are highly useful at early levels. It’s a great incentive for new players to stick around and really get to know The Matrix Online. However, free trial players will only get one copy of each Ability—not one on each character. We want them to get in and enjoy the game, but we also don’t want to make the vets feel their earned rewards aren’t valuable.
I’ve seen some comments from veteran players about how we’re making these Abilities less special by adding them to a free trial. Why would we choose to use those Abilities instead of new ones?
The answer is simple: Both Abilities are highly useful at early levels. It’s a great incentive for new players to stick around and really get to know The Matrix Online. However, free trial players will only get one copy of each Ability—not one on each character. We want them to get in and enjoy the game, but we also don’t want to make the vets feel their earned rewards aren’t valuable.
Message Edited by Tzahrkiya on 05-02-2006 07:16 PM
shauntaylor88 wrote:Walrus wrote:A quick clarification: The only current plan for using the /claim system is for the free trial. However, now that we have the system, we can do more things with it. What that is, is up to the designers.this can fix soooo many issues...someone was in beta but their clothes broke/claim BetaClothes(if account was flagged as beta then they get clothes, if not then they get a nice error msg)keep them untradable so people cant make millions, everyones happy..someone recycled their mobius code/claim MobiusCode(if account is flagged as eligible for the ability then they get it, if not then they get a nice error msg)and the list goes on and on and more people moaning well i should have it and i havn't no more, or my clothes broke as they will no beable to claim them