Yasamuu wrote:
Kybutra wrote:Yasamuu wrote:No, it's only episode 7. Which is why I'm annoyed I found it, lol. >.<Then he showed me I had to pluck out my eyes!You asked!
Kybutra wrote:
Yasamuu wrote:No, it's only episode 7. Which is why I'm annoyed I found it, lol. >.<Then he showed me I had to pluck out my eyes!
No, it's only episode 7. Which is why I'm annoyed I found it, lol. >.<
Then he showed me I had to pluck out my eyes!
You asked!
That was one awesomesouce of an episode, Its good to see Widmore's story unfolding. Watching Ben strangle locke was a jaw dropping moment and Abaddon dieing sucked I was hoping get a little more story from him. Im sure I'll have more to post after I rewatch it tomorrow after work.
Yas' speculation that the Ajira crash still happened was confirmed. That's nice.
I knew Ben was going to kill Locke as soon as Locke told him he had Jin's wedding ring. I'm wondering if he knew Locke would be resurrected once the plance crashed or not, but I'm thinking he didn't with his "I'm really going to miss you, John" remark. Should be interesting once he finds out.
Question: Who was the woman that stole one of the boats with Lapidus? If only Jack, Kate and Hurley flashed and disappeared, that would mean that Ben, Sun and Sayid didn't and are with the rest of the plane members. We know Ben's still there, Sun could be the woman Lapidus ran paddled off with, so where's Sayid?
And the next episode looks like it's going to deliver. HARD.
But... but... but... Bens one of the good guys! :'(
I'm trying to figure out exactly where the plane landed. Was it on the Hydra Islands runway? I think so. The building Caeser was in is definitely not one we've seen on the main island so I think it's the Hydra Island they've landed on and whoever Lapidus was with, Sun does seem like the likely candidate(though we didn't she 'flash' with the rest of them?), in the other boat realised this and sailed off to the main Island.
Edit: Seems like they are on the hydra for sure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER_oRayvuYI This also explains why there's a sawn off shotgun under the table. XD
I've always felt Widmore is not the super-duper evil villian that Ben made him out to be, you can't trust a thing Ben says after all, I believed that it wasn't him who dropped the plane on the bottom of the ocean and that he was not as bad as Ben made him out to be. HOWEVER! He's still done some shady things, and I think the second protocol from Season 4, 'torch the island'? isn't exactly befitting of someone genuinely trying to protect everyone, though I think this might be revisited as the Season goes on.
Sucked that Abaddon died, though. He was another of these interesting side characters that didn't get enough screen time due to the fact the actor had other priorities; ie Fringe.
There's so much more to think about, like the 'war' thats coming etc but I'll need to rewatch. XD One of the best episodes of the Season, if not the best.
The awesomeness of an episode of Lost can be measured in the number of minutes Charles Widmore is on screen. By that measure, this episode rocked beyond words.
Cervacius wrote:
I'm wondering if [Ben] knew Locke would be resurrected once the plance crashed or not, but I'm thinking he didn't with his "I'm really going to miss you, John" remark.
Exactly what I was thinking as I watched it.
As others have said, the loss of Abaddon was a real shame. I knew we were on for a good show when he appeared in the hospital.
I won't bother trying to wrap my head around what's going on with Ben and Widmore, as it's clearly up in the air right now. This is how you make a plot twist, Heroes.
Procurator wrote:
This is how you make a plot twist, Heroes.
Ben and Widmore are both bad guys, Richard makes Locke king of the island.
[/end serise]
The awesomeness of an episode of Lost can be measured in the number of minutes Charles Widmore is on screen. By that measure, this episode rocked beyond words. Cervacius wrote:I'm wondering if [Ben] knew Locke would be resurrected once the plance crashed or not, but I'm thinking he didn't with his "I'm really going to miss you, John" remark. Exactly what I was thinking as I watched it.As others have said, the loss of Abaddon was a real shame. I knew we were on for a good show when he appeared in the hospital.I won't bother trying to wrap my head around what's going on with Ben and Widmore, as it's clearly up in the air right now. This is how you make a plot twist, Heroes.
After I watched last night's episode, I rewatched the one from last week, and there's that part when Ben's in Church praying, and Jack comes in. Then, Ben starts to tell him the story of Thomas the apostle...so yes, I think he did know, even if he didn't yet beleive it, even though he seemed to be hinting that Jack was analogous to Thomas...I think it still hints at that notion.
Just seemed strange that he'd say 'I'm going to miss you John, I really am' when there was nobody else around to hear him.
I really thought that Ben was being sincere, brining Locke's hopes up to the point where he convinces him to not to commit suicide to then kill him with his bear hands after all they had been through, I think that was one of the few genuine moments from Ben. (remember Ben went as far as to turn the wheel to move the island exiling himself)
odj wrote:
Yasamuu wrote:Just seemed strange that he'd say 'I'm going to miss you John, I really am' when there was nobody else around to hear him.I really thought that Ben was being sincere, brining Locke's hopes up to the point where he convinces him to not to commit suicide to then kill him with his bear hands after all they had been through, I think that was one of the few genuine moments from Ben. (remember Ben went as far as to turn the wheel to move the island exiling himself)
Yea...I think even with the fact that Ben killed him...doesn't necessarily mean Ben is the bad guy. From a religious P.O.V. (and I'm not a christian or catholic), if Locke would have killed himself, he would have gone to hell, so in one sense Ben might have saved him from Hell...possibly...
The only thing tempting me to resub is this thread. Fact.
Next weeks episodes are looking good, here's two sneak peaks:
Don't do it! MxO needs to die already.