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The Matrix:Resurgence -- A Pilot script for a TV series based on the Matrix
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Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 1995
Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker


Scene I - Dreaming Awake




A face ENTERS FRAME from below, as if sitting up suddenly in bed. It is the face of a young black boy who is wide-eyed and sweating, apparently from some off-camera fear. His face contorts in anguish as the camera is pulling out to show the boy in his pajamas sitting on an uncovered bed that appears to be too small for him. The ambient light is tinted green and the only sound is a heart beating very fast.




The doorjamb pulls into frame with a blinding white light reflected on it from a source behind the camera. Looking back at the boy through the door, we see him raising his arms toward something off screen.


BOY (mouthing without sound)

Momma?! Dad?!?




REVERSE ANGLE through the door shows a horrific scene of a giant black bug with a dozen arms tipped with enormous pincers shaking (presumably) the boy's parents. BRIGHTLY BACKLIT, you can only see black silhouettes as lightless hands clutch at the claws intersecting their black throats. The shadow people quickly fall limp in the beast's grasp. As they fall to the ground, two suited men come into frame blocking the scene of the murder. They are AGENTS and the boy knows they are coming for him. 

The light suddenly becomes brighter. Abruptly, the boy notices there is another man standing in the room. He is dressed in all black, but the light is so bright the boy can barely make anything out about the man. He steps through the door and reaches for each of the AGENTS simultaneously, who instantly resolve into wisps of smoke when he gets close. A TIGHT SHOT from the side shows the man begin to run after the giant bug monster, which quickly turns and flies away, obviously frightened of the man. The light grows brighter until the scene resolves into nothing but whiteness.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Messages: 1995
Location: Syntax:Recurs HvCft Rocinante-Captain Level 50 Hacker

Scene II - Prophet in Training




In a winding hallway that appears to be cut from stone, the boy from the dream is just exiting a room that appears to be a classroom from the glimpse we get of it. An older boy approaches him and pulls JOHN into another doorway where the door is closed, which forms a darker alcove in the cave-like stone wall. The camera is TIGHT on the boys' faces. The older boy looks around, obviously nervous about someone overhearing their conversation.




Well, what's it gonna be? Red or blue, are you with us or not, John? Because the ship's leaving tonight.




You already know my answer. Why do you continue to ask?




Because of all of us, you seem to hate this place the most. Because this world ain't real and it ain't where we belong. Because of all the things you've heard from Master Jun a thousand times.


JOHN (frowning in confusion)


Master Jun does not encourage us to run from our lives. He has never said that we should return to our pods. Do you truly not understand his teachings? That our reality is what we make of it? Besides, what you talk about is suicide; the Machines will kill you on sight.



The elder boy is silent, his face betraying the mistrust and grudging defeat. Children pass in the hallway, oblivious to the two conspirators.





Fine. Stay here and freeze for the rest of your cold, miserable life with these losers. Keep dreaming of some ‘messiah' to come rescue you all.  We are going back to the Matrix. Good luck, dreamer.



With that, the boy starts to leave. JOHN grabs his arm. The CAMERA SWITCHES to JOHN'S POV. The boy's face is full of hate and anger.





Micah, be careful of who you trust. This is not a game in one of Captain Rigel's constructs.



MICAH pulls free of JOHN'S grasp and walks away. John pauses, watching his friend disappear down the hall for probably the last time, then he turns and enters the door they had been standing before. The CAMERA FOLLOWS him into the room.


The room is another classroom dominated by long stone tables and stools that stand empty. The walls are decorated with everything from the alphabet and kanji symbols to a large diagram of a circuit board. Standing at the podium at the head of the class is a very pretty woman, whom we presume is the teacher. She smiles as John enters the room. The CAMERA SWITCHES to a WIDE-ANGLE shot from the back of the room of John coming to stand before the podium.




How is my little "Morpheus" today?








Morpheus was the Greek God of Dreams. He would give people dreams that could tell their future, if they would but accept them and interpret them correctly. More often than not, they did not.




They did not understand their dreams?




That's right. But mostly, it was not the future they wanted, so they subconsciously refused to accept it.


John is silent for moment. He seems to be struggling with something.




What is it, John? What's wrong?


John doesn't answer right away and the teacher doesn't push him. The classroom is silent.



I think I saw a machine kill my parents. My fake, not-real parents. I think all three of us woke up in the pods and the Machines came and killed them. But not me. Why not me?


The tears are running down his face, unheeded by him. The teacher comes around the podium and embraces him. The CAMERA shows John's face on the woman's shoulder. He begins to cry in earnest now.



(groaning the words through his tears)


Why not me? I don't understand why I was saved and they were not. I never asked to be Awakened, and now I can't go back with them. I can't go back and it's all their fault!




Shhh, there now. John, I cannot begin to imagine this pain you carry inside of you. This burden has weighted you down all your short life. Your parents believed they were your real parents, and you believed that they were your real parents as well. Do not let the Matrix tell you who you are. I can only remind you what Captain Rigel has told you; that your parents died to save you from the Matrix. But this dream of yours that torments you night after night is a curse you will carry only until you decide to let it go.


John pulls back from her embrace, drying his eyes and getting control of himself.



This. . .can be done? I can stop my dreams?




Or embrace them and learn from them. Change them into a positive force. From the little you've told me, I think there is more to this particular dream than you realize.



Can you teach me how?



No, it is a skill that cannot be taught. But I can help you and guide you through it.


The CAMERA SWITCHES and shows the door opening as a young girl enters. Her face brightens as she recognizes John. Then she frowns as she realizes he is upset.


John turns to leave, locking eyes with the young girl. Time slows as he passes and the two share a moment. As time returns to normal, John is inspired. He turns to look back at the teacher and girl who are watching after him expectantly.



You called me Morpheus earlier. John was a name given to me because I didn't know my own. It doesn't suit me anymore. (taking a breath and squaring his shoulders, his face full of resolve) I think I have found the name I wish to be known by. If Morpheus could control dreams, then from now on, I would like to be known as Morpheus.


The teacher smiles.




It is a strong name and well-earned by an even stronger young man. Return here when you are ready to begin understanding your dreams...Morpheus. Now (turning to the young girl), did you bring me the paper I asked for, Niobe?



With a final glance at the girl, Niobe, Morpheus departs the classroom and the scene FADES TO BLACK.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4565
Location: The Real

I'm intrigued, SXF.  Please continue. SMILEY

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