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Vector-Hostiles - Strongest Six Event. - Thursday 3rd July 11pm GMT, 6pm EST, 3pm PST
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Ascendent Logic

Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 704
Location: Input-Hostile


I think i got these times correct, im from the UK, correct me if im wrong, see you thursday!

11pm GMT

6pm - EST

3pm - PST



Death Pit

Location: Zero One (The Floor Below On picture)

Death Pit is a 3 Round Game.

The Aim Of The Game is Simple, The Last Team Standing Wins The Round.

Each Team Will Be Placed at a different Part of the Death Pit each round.

You Are Not allowed to HyperJump What so ever in this Stage.

You Are Also not allowed to leave the death pit, No Excuses.

You Are Allowed to hide, sit and recover if needs be.

Each Round Will Start with every team each jacking out and Back in again When Told to do so.

If You Manage to be the Last team Standing you Gain 30 points. Every Kill Is Ofcourse Worth 5 points.

Once you die, you must not reconstruct until instructed to, If your timer runs out, you must notify me straight away.

The Team That Stands Last Will Be asked to Tell Me the Character name/s of those Who still stood.

Everyone Will either be revived or Recontructed and Back for the next Round Once DE is not longer in effect.

Thank You, I hope you enjoy SMILEY<img src=

Time Stamped ScreenShots Will Be Asked For in this Stage for the Extra Kill Points. 5 for each kill.

 I've Decided That... There is only to be 3 teams involved in 1 set, its easier to orgnize, and i don't think personally there is going to be Another zion team so i Suggest for both machine and merv teams to pick there Top 6, 1 MA 2 Gunners 2 Mkts and 1 hacker SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15"> Thank you!

Now We need to decide On Times If i am to say a week on sunday, And then see what we can work with there. If There is a problem and you cannot make it next sunday, we'll try to arrange a different day, So what kind of time are we looking at? Where are the majority of you from, or does it matter? etc. Let me know ASAP .

Machine team

Gravedodger (ma)
MisGravedodger (guns)
Brazzz (hax)
SaintDaniel (guns)

cYpnis -
Kontamination -
roganclark -
Majinn (guns)



disbarr - mkt or hacker
Dyonisos - mkt
Fabia - ma
Lex1 - guns
Manatik - ma or hacker
playdoh - mkt
Seazon - guns
TheBruceter - ma
xMavinx - ma


Tore2 - Guns

Jord92 - Guns

Timeths - MKT

Ra2za - MKT

Basketballhead - MA

Pyro200 - Hacker


Basic Rules

You The Players, Select Your Team of Six (If you have what it takes)

And You PM me The 6 names of Current ACTIVE, WILLING Players To go agaist the Other Teams of 6, Tasks and PvP Will be forumlated in Different locations. BUT There is a little Trick Here. The 6 players must consist of for Example:

Each team must pick 1 team leader.

Team 1

Uglyboi1 - MA (1)

Uglyboi2 - Guns (2)

Uglyboi3 - Hacker (1)

UglyBoi4 - MKT (2)

This Does NOT mean that You can't change your load on the event day to MKT for instance to fit in a slot because a player couldn't make it for example. Or ofcourse say when you read this your guns but then u change because u want to compete as an MA, Thats Fine too. BUT Once The Event starts No player involved is allowed to Change Professions.

2 Loadout Changes

Only 2 Loadout Changes Are to Be Made During This event and that is Per Team. At any Point You want to change your loadout you must Tell me, Consult with your team and make sure i get a Yes from everyone in that team to say that its ok, Rember only 2 People in each team can change there loadout Throughtout the Whole Event. (You Don't have to change at all if u do not need to) If you change without Permission you will have points Deducted.

Rules Will Differ Throughout the event (You will be recap'd on Rules throughtout event.). This Is NOT Purely Based PvP, Because You'll have many different trials ahead of you before any one team can become Vector-hostiles - Strongest Six.

If Caught Doing Any Of The Below Your Whole Team gets D/Q. No Questions Asked.

There Are No...

Healths Pills Or any Healing Item. (Mobius Is not an Item, its an ability.)

Buff or Heal Loads.


Tatic Boosters.

If you think i may need to add anything Above, PM me or Write back to the Post Explaining What needs to be added and for what reason.

So The Actual Events themselves...


This Event Will Be Split up Into Stages, 6 stages to be Exact, All Leading up to one Big Final Stage, Think of it like Gladiators, Picking up points all the way up to the Eliminator to give you a bit of a head start, but the Final Stage is what really matters, It tests all your abilities as a group and is the decider on who's Vector-hostiles Strongest Six.Each Stage Will Be Released 1 Week Before it Happens.

There Will be Six Stages -

Stage 1: Death Pit. (Info released 22nd June)

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4:

Stage 5:

Final Stage: Face Off

Point System (Differs Stage to stage)

Killing A Red = 5 Points (Try to have Time stamped SS for Proof)Completeing Part of Objective = 15 points

Completeing All Objectives = 30 points.

Each Player is Responsible for Counting how many he/she killed if theres any doubt i will ask for Time stamped SS for Proof of kills, i do realise its hard to constantly have this done but its not impossible guys and girls. If Your gonna Lie And ruin the fun then don't sign up, Your just a waste of my time.

Each Stage, you can obtain different amounts of points, Killing a red is just grabbing you extra points. Some stages you can only die once etc etc.

There Are Also Bonus Points During The Event stages that you may pick up on the way.

We NEED Atleast 1 zion Team, 1 Machine and 1 Merv TEAM OF 6 to Each Set. There Cannot be an Incomplete Set.

Take Part for the fun and joy of Mxo SMILEY<img src=


Time Frame/ Zone

Time Frame:

The Time Frame Can be anything up to, 2 hours MAX Per Stage. The Duration of the Whole Event has not yet been forumlated. 

Instead of a Certain Time Zone as such, Its going to be more - What Suits Me, And the Players Involved So we're able to work around the majority of those who say... I got work that day or for whatever reason. Now there is no excuse.

If anyone wants anymore information then Just say and i'll answer as many questions as i have time for SMILEY<img src= thank you i hope you enjoy and get involved with the event SMILEY<img src=




Message edited by kaosdevil on 06/30/2008 01:49:33.

Femme Fatale

Joined: Mar 29, 2006
Messages: 719
Location: Vector,however you want me baby....



Joined: Jun 25, 2006
Messages: 279

Great idea! Im sure PM will have a Team ready (applying for hacker lol)
Message edited by cypnis on 06/15/2008 07:21:25.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 1820
Location: Around The Fur Thee Reviled Restoration Thee Passenger 6 6 4 oh I forget

This sounds sweet KD.

Idk how many RR will participate so I'm offering my services to  any machine team.   You all know what i'll be using.

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Apr 12, 2006
Messages: 776
Location: Creston Heights

I'm not sure if I'll end up with a team but huge Kudos to kd...looks like you put alot of thought and time into this idea!

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 18, 2005
Messages: 4851
Location: The soul's eclipse

*Raises an eyebrow*

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Jun 23, 2006
Messages: 315
Location: Vector-Hostile

*CENSORED*! I'll be away that day.
Take some screenies for meh!

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 704
Location: Input-Hostile

Rember its the 22nd on sunday is when im releasing information about the first Stage in the event. The Date and Time Will be Whatever is best suited after an agreement with all teams taking part.

Thank you x

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Dec 20, 2005
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Just trying to get a feel for what this will be like before I think about scouting out a possible team. (That's you, Epssssss.) I work weeknights, so if this is an ongoing more time = more kills and points thing I might not be able to make it.

-- Is this for info / items or just bragging rights?
-- If there's a lot more of one org than another that signs up, will their killing the org with less numbers still be worth as many points as the side facing a zerg?
-- I take it the PVP stages of getting kills last for 24 hours, all day long, or just a specific time frame when you're on?
-- Any feel for what time zone you'd be hosting this in? You are a Brit, right?

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 7, 2005
Messages: 1962

sounds like a kewl turny/event. no way i could organize or predict my personal schedule enough to be relyed on as a team member. but ill collect a few stathacks and try to be on as a filler if somebody dosent show or somethin. good job kaos


Ascendent Logic

Joined: Sep 4, 2005
Messages: 704
Location: Input-Hostile

-- Is this for info / items or just bragging rights?

Answer: For The Fun And Joy of Playing the matrix online. If thats not good enough i dnt know what is SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />

 -- If there's a lot more of one org than another that signs up, will their killing the org with less numbers still be worth as many points as the side facing a zerg?

 it goes in 3s, and in the order of who PM's me first. So for instance, Once i get 1 merv, 1 machine, 1 zion team, thats Set 1 (Each set compete's agaist each other not other sets), then there will have to be another 1 merv, 1 machine, 1 zion team to create a set 2 for that actual set to compete, Sorry its that way, but even just having 1 set in this event i can guantee it'll be fun but hey the more the merrier. SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />

-- I take it the PVP stages of getting kills last for 24 hours, all day long, or just a specific time frame when you're on?

Ok Let me Explain in more Detail,

Each Stage, you can obtain different amounts of points, Killing a red is just grabbing you extra points. Some stages you can only die once etc etc. The Stages Will Happen like This

Merv Vs Machine

Machine Vs Zion

Zion Vs Merv

This is Consistant throughout the Whole event, in every stage.

The Time Frame Can be anything up to, 2 hours MAX Per Stage. The Duration of the Whole Event has not yet been forumlated.

-- Any feel for what time zone you'd be hosting this in? You are a Brit, right?

Instead of a Certain Time Zone as such, Its going to be more - What Suits Me, And the Players Involved So we're able to work around the majority of those who say... I got work that day, etc etc.

If this answers your questions properly then cool, cheers for asking, u've helped me out a lot, lots of people will want to know that info SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" /> So i'll edit my post and stick it all in SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />

Message edited by kaosdevil on 06/15/2008 16:51:06.

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 27, 2007
Messages: 139
Location: Vector-Hostile

I'm Game! This sounds fun. Will work on an ML team.


Joined: May 17, 2006
Messages: 5113
Location: Vector-Hostile Faction: Morpheus'Legacy Organization: Zion

Morpheus' Legacy will try and be there...Nicely done Kaos!

Femme Fatale

Joined: Mar 29, 2006
Messages: 719
Location: Vector,however you want me baby....

Sounds great, KD..SMILEY

Perceptive Mind

Joined: Dec 23, 2005
Messages: 537

not sure if that machs will need me as ma or gunman so either superbeast or z3us1 will be there for me.

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