I'd like to introduce Interface, a new podcast for The Matrix Online that will be making its debut in the coming week.
This podcast will be co-hosted by Darminian and myself, with one or two special guest-hosts per podcast. We'll also be introducing new segments of the podcast, as time goes on.
One of our starting show segments will be a portion of the show that lets the players of MxO provide their feedback on the topics of discussion, for each podcast.
Think you'd be interested in having your say? Just dial 214-628-2725 and leave a voicemail, telling us your MxO Screenname, what server you play on, and providing whatever insight you'd like on any of the topics below. Please choose only one topic to voice your thoughts on, per call, and try to limit those thoughts so they can be easily edited into the show. Note that this is not a toll-free number, and that we hope to replace it with one in the eventual future.
The topics up for discussion on the Interface - Podcast 1 are as follows:
1. Quality Repeatable Content vs. Live Events: Which do you prefer, and why? Do you think you'd be more willing to freely give up Live Events, if we had more quality repetitious content (such as instances, quests, and other static content)?
2. Your Thoughts on Update 65: With Update 66 just around the corner, we thought a decent assessment of your thoughts on Update 65 might be worth combing through. Did you especially like, or especially dislike something about it? What did you think of the items, and the bosses?
3. What Happened to Trinity?: From the infamous IRS-dbase hacker, to Neo's true love, to a pin-cushion, to a BIP? Care to share your thoughts on it?
4. Old Abilities: Remember abilities like Decoy? Better yet, remember when Multi-Fighting actually DID something? What old abilities do you remember, that we don't have anymore? Would you like to see the return of some of these abilities? Which ones, and why?
5. Hovercraft Battles: Don't know about these yet? Or are you a hardcore hovercraft warrior, who attends every battle? Let us know what you think about these, how you would like to see them expand, or whether you could care less!
Feel free to call in and give us your thoughts! And be sure to look to this thread in the future, when we update with our FIRST upcoming podcast!