Tyler3001-3 Elimination points
W4rbl4de- 6 Elimination Points; 1 Revenge Point (Renzouken-1)
Mercio-2 Revenge Points (Renzouken-2)
Bayamos- 9 points(LilPunisher-3, Madbent-1, TYLER3001-1, Insertion-1, Riac-1, Da6onet-1, tonyjaa-1)
Yasamuu - 14 points (Broin-1, Da6onet-1, TYLER3001-1, POWDER-1, tonyjaa-3, Riac-1, POWDER-5, Mercio-1)
japes - 2 points (hlew88-1, runningrocks1-1)
Renzouken - 17 points (Broin-2, tonyjaa-8, Mercio-5, POWDER-1,W4rbl4de-1)
Tbone - 1 point (ManatikLuniak-1)
Called - 1 points (hlew88-1)
xDarkDragonx - 1 point (tonyjaa)
J1GOKU - 2 points (Broin-2)
runningrocks1-Eliminated by Broin
Madbent-Eliminated by W4rbl4de
OooRoyooO-Eliminated by TYLER3001
Da6onet-Eliminated by W4rbl4de
LilPunisher-Eliminated by Tyler3001/POWDER
Apost1e-1 Elimination Point; Eliminated by POWDER
ManatikLuniak-Eliminated by W4rbl4de
Riac-1 Elimination Point; Eliminated by POWDER
TheHarlot-Eliminated by TYLER3001
Hlew88-Eliminated by Riac
Tytanya-Eliminated by Apost1e
DarkHaze-Eliminated by W4rbl4de
Broin-1 Revenge Point (Yasamuu-1); 1 Elimination Point; Eliminated by W4rbl4de
POWDER-3 Elimination Points; Eliminated by W4rbl4de
Very close contest. You all deserve a pat on the back for being so violent.
Most Eliminations: Although it did not look good in the beginning, thru the dilligence of a true machine, you have been declared victorious. Congratulations W4rbl4de.
Most Kills: When asked to kill somone who has done nothing to you, you ask not how you can kill someone who has not wronged you, but how it will enrich you. Kudos. This mentality will take you far in the world. Congratulations Renzouken.