Yes!!! Other tweaks include:
Knife Throwers are going to hav to find something else to spam.
Glad to see the chatting while coding...
Walrus, why are you going to be out of the office?
Grats to Pyraci and ShadowSK!
Carry on...
Chatting while coding... th... th... thank you.
I thank you MeretrixMeretric that is an awesome signature!!! (The one with the under-ware and tattoo) How did you make it?
Oh and about TOSLG... Good News to hear about coding and especially the MKT!!!!
Other tweaks include: Allowing chatting while Coding Adding text on the Code Archive UI that displays slots used/maximum available Fixes to Coding that both make the timer work correctly and apply Ability bonuses properly
Other tweaks include:
Sweet as candy.
But still no tooltips in compiler?
Spose we'll just have to wait till the notes go out.
Well, other than the RSI change pills it doesn't sound like 50 is going to be the godly update that it's been hyped as (though it's been hyped by the players more than the devs, so all's fair, I suppose)... unless, of course, there's more really big news coming down the pipe.
The changes to crafting are very nice though, and I look forward to actually being able to see my used/max code storage space.
I like the changes in knife throwing overall, but I'm a little worried about what it will mean to class diversity. Not that throwing didn't need some tweaking, but I forsee a return to the days where nearly every player was a Duelist/SMG User or a Kung Fu GM. At least powerful throwing added a third class to the mix. Oh well, guess we'll just have to see what happens.
And, Walrus, no mention of downtown lag, eh? Hmmm... lol