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 12/24/2005 18:47:45
Joined: Dec 24, 2005
Messages: 10
Location: Somewhere Within the Matrix
Can anyone who knows all around the city tell me where the bilboard saying 'city of knights' is? I believe it is somewhere downtown. A picture of the area is on the inside cover of the matrix box, and is also in one of the recent movie chapters. In the background there is a 'stock ticker'.
Please help me find this location.
 12/25/2005 03:40:37
Fansite Operator
Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 2210
Hampton Green in Downtown.
 12/25/2005 13:03:58
Joined: Dec 24, 2005
Messages: 10
Location: Somewhere Within the Matrix
thanks so much....
A. do u know the cords of the poster??
B. what lvl do u need to be to go there?
C. what lvl are the gangs there?
D. where is the key for the node found?
 12/26/2005 00:32:04
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5142
Location: Germany
A. Haven't found either, I'll keep looking though
B. level 1
C. I don't know that exactly, but it moves somewhere between 35 and 40
D. The key for the Hampton Green access node is dropped by the Daggers in Maribeau and their boss at
X: -10, Y: 7, Z: -400. (
 12/26/2005 14:15:54
Joined: Dec 24, 2005
Messages: 10
Location: Somewhere Within the Matrix
does anyone know the coords of the poster? i think its in the north west, most likely the little dot between 2 buildings if u look on the map. i just cant go there cause im only lvl 15... anyone know a plan how i could hang around that area at lvl 15 and not get killed? or do i need to get to lvl 30 ish first? cause i think the gangs are lvl 31....
also how do i unlock it at my lvl ? cause i really wanna hang there.
Thanks -Skoll
 12/27/2005 12:34:39
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5142
Location: Germany
If you want to avoid trouble with agents or gangs, go into the spy tree and use Sneak (no time limit, but you can be detected), Disguise (full movement, but for a short time period), and Invisibility (lvl 17+).
If you don't want agent to spawn, ask a player at a higher level to kill the Daggers boss in Maribeau for you. If he drops the key, take it and tag the node in Hampton Green. Although agent don't really spawn every minute...
Oh, and of course, you can level up to 30.
 12/27/2005 19:41:46
Joined: Dec 24, 2005
Messages: 10
Location: Somewhere Within the Matrix
oo smart! Thanks alot!
does anyone know the coords of the poster tho?
 04/05/2006 04:26:55
Joined: Aug 19, 2005
Messages: 1104
Location: Back in Megacity !!!
You should check out the RSI section to get your sig working...these forums use html
 04/28/2006 06:28:44
Systemic Anomaly
Joined: Nov 17, 2005
Messages: 5142
Location: Germany
OK, I've just found a City of Knights Poster in Center Park. I don't know if it's the one you're referring to, and I know there are several ad posters in Downtown that advertise other MMO games (from SOE, I'd guess).
However, the poster I've found is to the West of building near the Center Park (the park). Look for Viktor on your map (a Collector) and then to the building he stands at. The poster is on the side that's turned to the park.