Hello to you all,
This is something I think we need to do as we've never really all got together to have a chat about EPN and what it means to each of us.
I was talking with Michael about our plans for the future and I was just thinking, "I bet that a load of our operatives have some great ideas and opinions too."
Because of this, I'd like to hear what each and everyone of you would like to do in the future with us. Is there one aim that you'd personally really like to get to at some point? Is there something you'd like to set out to find, like Sarah Edmontons.
At the same time, I will answer any questions that you have, no matter how small and what the topic (within reason of course. I'm not answering questions on which side I get out of bed...)
Anyway, the offer is open to every EPN operative, so pass this onto your friends.
I'll be looking to hold this get together in 2 weeks, so you've got plenty of time to have a think about it and anything you want to say.
The date will be 17th September, and to cover all of you (or at least as many as possible) I'll hold the gathering twice that day at the following times:
2pm PST (5pm EST, 10pm GMT)
6pm PST (9pm EST, 2am GMT)
Hope to see many of you there,