I think he needs to take a break from this game.
Well now that Sephr1 is gone the new leaders are Myself and Bladepoint. Let me lay out simple.
1) We are fun as hell
2) We are a PvP/RP Faction I handle the leading PvP and Blade the RP.
3) We're happy to help anyone with anything as long as they show a merovingian over thier head after a /pvp
That's the basis of it so if you want a fun faction where you will get the help you need to hit 50 with missions and financially well get ya there, or just looking for a change of pace join us.
I wish you both good luck in the Mervling organization....you might need it!
Ps: Eket and Blade are two cool dudes, so join the Chimera's Dirge faction if you are a true Merovingian.
The Dirge: Good people, good PvP sports, now 100% leaner.
Just watch out for their rule-breaking Datamine antics.
Chimera's Dirge is a very sophisticated and intellectual faction. It consists of a lot of very intuitive Merovingian RPers who at the same time, are under the lead of a very talented leader, Sephr1. This faction has a very creative name, and is a fun bunch of people to hang around. They have a lot of skillful talent in PvP, banter, and just all-around cool people to hang out with. If you're a roleplaying or PvP Merovingian, this would be an excellent choice for you to join. I look forward to seeing some of you guys in-game soon.