First Mates Log...
You are probably wondering why the First Mate of the Ambrosia Star is posting instead of the Captain.

My name is Rayne and what I am about to log may be the very last transmission to exit this ship. Not long ago Steakz was sent on a mission to retrieve chips that allow the data disks to be deciphered. The disks were given to him by Binary. He was first asked to get these chips from the Task Master. However Binary was miss lead and luckily Streakz learned it was not the task master who held the chips. Sylphia had the chips and there was only one way to get taking her out.

This time when Streakz waited at the bar people began to show.

After everyone was settled they headed to Massen Park to take down Sylphia.

Thankfully they were successful and were able to get the chips.

When Streakz came back onto the ship he loaded the data disks up and hooked the chips up so the data could be readable. The disks spelled out only a name. Sentaria Cell.

Sentaria was the one behind the sabotage of Streakz's ship. She knows of the location of the ship grave yard.

Little did we know she was onto greater things. Sentaria and the machines knew our location and trapped our ship on purpose. Sentaria was given a virus to infect Jedi.

She was successful. She was able to mix the virus with Jedi's code. We knew something was wrong when Jedi could not jack out. Even still she sits in the chair.

At first when Jedi jacked in we knew immediately something was wrong. Her hair was no longer red.

Not long after she jacked in we got a message from Sentaria. Jedi had been infected with the Valkreyja Virus and she believes there is no cure. She also then continued to state we will rot trapped in our ship, but I still believe there is hope. Although things got worse.

Jedi became fully infected with the Valkeryja Virus.

She began to lose control. Killing everything and anything that got in her way.

We do not know if the virus can be cured. We also do not know if Sentaria is capable of making the virus spread. I along with the crew will do everything we can to get out of the ship grave yard and search for a cure. We however could and will not pull Jedi's plug. If you read this we may already be dead just know that we've done everything in our power to bring balance to the matrix. I wish you and all others luck in life and may you be more successful then ever...
Rayne out...
( Hey I would like to thank TheRedPheonixx for allowing me to use her skirt to complete my outfit! I would also like to thanx Synapze777 to allow me to borrow her's in case I couldn't get one! I also would love to thank all of you players for not only reading this but for making my time in the matrix the most awesomeness time I have ever had in a video game. I wish you all luck in life! Maybe I'll see some of ya's in a different game1 Thanx for all the goo times! Ohh and so ya know Before I only posted Logs on the Deimos Arc site and EPN Relay site so if your a little confused on the story I will under this make a brief paragraph on what happened)
Every other week or so I would post logs about what Jedi went through. I would be about events like the Louise Cambel and events that I would go through myself. So here is a brief explanation on how jedi got to this point. Jedi and her crew were traveling down a unmarked tunnel. Sentenials came and dragged her ship to the ship Grave yard. The ship grave yard is where all zion ships that have been destroyed in the real are brought. There they met Streakz one of the only other living beings in the grave yard. Jedi decided to not only try and free themselves from this predicament but help Streakz find out who was behind this. Although she did not trust streakz at all. Then Streakz got word from Binary that the disks he got had info on them about who was behind all this. And now we are at this story. That was the the shortest way I could of put the story line.