Why the hell do people keep butting into my business? Can't a guy modify a few hardlines in peace? I had to get rough on a bunch of self-appointed phone booth huggers in the Historic District and Union Hill... I swear, I don't know why people always insist on making things hard for themselves!
And to top it all off, that brat of a Zion liaison officer, Alsos, stole some personal property of mine in the big friggin' melee that happened at the Pyramid Sculpture. I'm pretty sure my men got him right after that, but all I can say is, he'd better watch his step around me from now on!
That event was awsome! and so were some of those screens.
I liked the one of jephunneh and ecw42o.
and the one at grass level. that one is off the hook!
Brrrzzzzzzt... All hail Hypno-Anome.
Anome, this isn't over. Oh and watch your back next time....
((exilient event, enjoyed gettin squashed into a 2x2 ball ><)
"....you really need to consider the quality of the people you hire Anome....."
If I were you Anome, I'd hope you don't meet us again........
Oh ya!
You know he was feeling that knife!
If only if only, you could have been puntable..