"On mechanical slavery, on the slavery of the machine, the future of the world depends."
- Oscar Wilde
As each day passes, the black shroud of chaos covers more and more of the worlds in which we live. Operatives from each organization have taken gross advantage of a slight oversight. They see no direct retaliation from the Machines, and they see it as a weakness to exploit. Their reckless actions plunge us furrther into the depths of disorder.
This is a call to arms. The threats to this simulation and its inhabitants will not be tolerated any longer. It is time to stand against those wishing to cause harm to the Machines; the very sentients who have decided not to destroy humanity and its weaknesses, its immoral behavior, its foolish pride... Instead, they protect us from ourselves. The give us peace and comfort. They give us the ability to live in a world that is not broken because of our own stupidity. They give us a beautiful place to live and provide us protection from our inabilty to be peaceful with one another.
We have been selected to reinstate order within the simulation. Our goals are to terminate Zion and EPN as necessary, return Exile programs to the source, and remove rogue operatives from the simulation to purge it of those who would harm it for their own benefit.
The cycle must be reinstated for the good of the system as a whole. All who stand against us will be eliminated. The longer the system goes without restarting the cycle, the more unstable it becomes. This must stop immediately.
To any and all Machinists who still want peace for this world, realize that there can be no real peace until the cycle resumes. Any Machinists who want what is best for this simulation will join us. It is time to restore order.
Terminus Interregnum: The End of Lawlessness