I am from the USA but currently on a trip in Europe. When I try to log in Station Updater comes up after a few minutes instead of instantly and states that I am not connected to the internet and I should either retry or cancel. This is the 3rd day I can't access my game. I have attempted to go to the Sony support site and submit a petition but my computer states that the certificate on the site is actually another site not connected with Sony at all and may cause ID theft. Anyways. Wondering if any of you guys or girls might be able to help me understand why I cannot connect. Obviously my internet works quite well as I am typing this message. I'd hate to miss 2 weeks worth of game play especially after I am spending money on this game. Thanks for any help I can get!
Try logging in from the MxO launcher, I've never been fond of the station launcher.
Although if it is a problem then the station launcher has it's own board for it's problems. Try here