Reeverb wrote:And when something got out of hand on the forums Apparently the new shift in CRM has also included a shift to "shhh dont rock the boat, and never admit it if the boat did in fact rock"
And when something got out of hand on the forums
It is understandable, to a point. I agree, in so far as my understanding of the situation goes, the reason your articles seem to lack the same in depth information is because you are in fact not really involved with MxO outside of being its CRM. Walrus was also the production managers, so he had a very in depth knowladge of what was going on. However, because I understand that does not mean I have to enjoy it. We here at the MxO community [and if you disagree you can post as much] have come to expect a certain level of "service" from the communications we get from our CRMs. To go from the page+ long OSOTLG's from Walrus, to your three paragraph copy paste "lip service" postings is a huge let down. We were all told to give you a chance [hell, Walrus sent me a PM to do as much before he left O_x], and I think we have and still are. But just because we're giving you that chance, doesnt mean we cant vocalize what we would like to see an improvement in. We pay our $15, and one of the things we've come to expect is the weekly read from these articles. I dont think it is unfair of us to ask you to beef them up, especially when you do show a more in depth approach to some of the other games that you also are the CRM of. -Trace