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[CR2.0 Focus Thread] Operative Bugs
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Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: Los Angeles, CA




Please remember to /bug it if you encounter something weird, and confirm any bugs/oddities/etc. you find and report your own wierdo stuff in this thread.


[CR2.0 Focus Thread] Coder Bugs
[CR2.0 Focus Thread] Hacker Bugs

Message Edited by Cal on 03-28-200608:22 AM

Message edited by Cal on 03/28/2006 08:22:25.


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
Messages: 8299
Location: Ye Olde Hole Ine The Tree

Why is it that when I click Soldier Upgrade while in the middle of a firefight or otherwise and there is no other upgrade, nothing happens and the icon fades darkly and runs a count-down timer like I had just used it as some Ability....?


Stupid bizzare sentence. I hate the English language.

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 1273

it seems you cant change upgrades while in combat stance, it would have been nice if they fixed the "stuck in combat" bug first.

Message Edited by MaRKiE on 04-06-200610:40 AM

Message edited by MaRKiE on 04/06/2006 01:40:50.

Fansite Operator

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It would be nice if we could have hyper dodge and hyper block on at the same time too.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 28, 2005
Messages: 31

I seem to continuously drop out of my fighting style back in to Self-Defense.  It doesn't seem to be related to a particular ability or the like - it's just every so often, mid-fight, I'll notice I'm using the default animations, and my Aikido has shifted to Self-Defense.

Perceptive Mind

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lorechaser wrote:
I seem to continuously drop out of my fighting style back in to Self-Defense.  It doesn't seem to be related to a particular ability or the like - it's just every so often, mid-fight, I'll notice I'm using the default animations, and my Aikido has shifted to Self-Defense.

Do you use guns?  I seem to notice that happening when i use a gun in the
Interlock or Free fire.  Not in the game now, so would have to test this later

Systemic Anomaly

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 Pistol Execution animation takes only a fraction of the time of the progress bar, and hence, you stand around looking dumb waiting for the ability to take effect, despite the animation having shown them get shot 3 seconds earlier.

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
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Disarming Shot and Overhand Smash keep giving me messages that say "You do not have this ability loaded." even though I do. It still uses them, but it's just kinda weird.

Joined: Apr 8, 2006
Messages: 263

djconan wrote:
Disarming Shot and Overhand Smash keep giving me messages that say "You do not have this ability loaded." even though I do. It still uses them, but it's just kinda weird.

That's not fromt eh ability, but the lack of the sub ability (in this case pistols or SMGs for scatter shot). Technically they are required, but not really to use them. I dunno why they were put in that way, because it's annoying when you are still too low to get those abilities.

Systemic Anomaly

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lingering DE,


not exactly an operative bug but annoying all the same, now my speed when I first jack in is 34%. when I die and I got DE it's 28% and guess what it's after my DE has gone yep 28%, and thats the same with acc, defence and everythin

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 379

Just reloaded Spy and found that the Leg Throw sometimes dumps me out of stealth and THEN tries to complete the throw.  Irritating....

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 18, 2005
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I've 'enjoyed' this bug for quite some time now, annoyed isn't the word.

I'll entitle this bug 'Disappearing specials'

Whenever you click a special, it flashes red.  Following that, the whole square will flash red if you miss, or will show the green animation if it hits, as every knows.  What the 'Disappearing Special'TM bug does however, is activate your special, and at the time of discovering whether you have hit or miss it merely stops flashing as if you never clicked on it in the first place.  The real kicker is when occasionally it still costs you IS for the privilege.  Meanwhile, your opponent isn't having a problem with said bug, so merrily specials their way to what should be certain victory.

I went a few days without this occurring, and wrongly rejoiced.  A day later it was back to inflict its ruin on the townspeople.

I'm not sure if anyone else has had the same problem, I hope you haven't.

Veteran Hacker

Joined: Mar 8, 2006
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I have also run into that oddity where I will click on, lets say, Fall-Auto Redux which starts the little blinking red dot in the corner meaning "Hey friend, your about to lay waste to your opponent, have a nice day.".  However, the little friendly red blinker decides to just disappear leaving you with less IS and more of a headache.  Any idea why this occurs?

Systemic Anomaly

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I've had the no special bug when I went SMG, it doesn't happen to my Team Patcher build though. It seems to only affect higher-level attacks for me.

Executing Hindering Shot in Interlock without the Handguns Style loaded used to almost always roll both players out of interlock afterwards (with no rollout timer, so the player who executed it could free fire and IL immediately after), but this seems to have been fixed somewhat after I /bugged it; it happens a lot less now.

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