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[8.3.2] How the Machines use energy in the simulation - Recursion - 10/15/07
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EPN Leader

Joined: Feb 10, 2006
Messages: 52

I'm glad to say that our last field test was successful, and we were able to sample power level differences between the power plant area in Westview, and Downtown. The readings indicate that power is indeed concentrated in the Downtown area. We aren't sure yet if we'll be able to calibrate the code pulses for more specific readings, but even this broad information will be helpful in planning strategy.
I'd especially like to thank the operatives of Broken Templar, Freedom, Insurgence, Pluribus Neo, and Unus Somnium who stuck it out for the whole operation.










































Femme Fatale

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Do you have that without the chat box? :O


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You know, maybe it was just me, but your eyes were doing this weird sort of bugging out thing--you can just barely see a bit of it in the two gray specks above and below the outer side of your left eye. I've seen that on a male head before but I couldn't figure out how to get it to happen again.

Jacked Out

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Hey Pooper, get off Effy's island!!


Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Rarebit wrote:

You know, maybe it was just me, but your eyes were doing this weird sort of bugging out thing--you can just barely see a bit of it in the two gray specks above and below the outer side of your left eye. I've seen that on a male head before but I couldn't figure out how to get it to happen again.
I've seen it happen too, I guess I'm just special.

Jacked Out

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
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So... Popper determined the the Simulation draws more energy when it comes to downtown.... You know, considering that a lot more is going on there, bigger buildings, high population etc... it's not very surprising is it? I'm now wondering if Popper actually has an idea of what he's doing or is he just clutching at straws....

Jacked Out

Joined: Oct 4, 2005
Messages: 52

Croesus wrote:
So... Popper determined the the Simulation draws more energy when it comes to downtown.... You know, considering that a lot more is going on there, bigger buildings, high population etc... it's not very surprising is it?

Croesus, leave it to you to point out Michael's flaws. And yet again, you're right.

We've needed more information on the Matrix, the Machine City etc, and how they work for a long time now. EPN of all groups who engages in more direct conflict with the simulation should know the System down to a tee. We don't.

I've said it before I'll say it again. We more resemble a monkey banging on a computer panel with a wrench, wondering why it doesn't do what we tell it to. Say we succeeded in hitting the power lines, did anyone think that damaging those might hurt Machines that actually... maintain the Matrix? A while ago we got to see what happens when you just pull Sati out of the equation. Imagine what would happen if we really did serious damage to a large group of Machines. Bluepills could die in droves.

Fact is we need the Machine's technology. We need the bluepill's manpower (and freeing a few minds along the way is always a plus). And out of all the information we can decide to procure... Michael finds out Downtown produces more energy than the Barrens. Sounds like some scientific studies conducted that leave you with one basic question: "Why are my tax dollars being wasted?" 

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 24, 2005
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Location: Megacity, USA

The_Kid wrote:


Why was Phrack on ignore? o.O

I don't actually recall him spamming or anything, he was just being IC most of the time he was there. What's up with that?

If it's that easy to get ignored at an event by making legit inquiries or just using a couple of emotes would it be too much to ask for to get a LE code of conduct posted with a list of exactly what you can be ignored for? I pay for this game to participate in events and I'd like to know what I'm not supposed to be doing. Some people seem to get ignored for no reason.

It would definately be helpful to know. SMILEY

Message edited by Archangel on 10/17/2007 02:19:21.


Joined: Aug 24, 2005
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Probably the watch joke.
EDIT: He was unignored later, at the end of the 2nd pulse device.

Message edited by LtCmdr_Tsusai on 10/17/2007 05:06:28.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 24, 2005
Messages: 3181
Location: Megacity, USA

LtCmdr_Tsusai wrote:
Probably the watch joke.
EDIT: He was unignored later, at the end of the 2nd pulse device.

Pfft, that's a running IC joke, hardly ignore worthy. We all make wise cracks on Michael always showing an hour after the liaisons tell us to be ready. SMILEY

For example, before the event, me saying, "Michael's going to be an hour late for his own funeral, one of these days." To which Sametrix responded: "Yeah, you're probably right."

Message edited by Archangel on 10/17/2007 05:15:10.

Jacked Out

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Archangel wrote:
The_Kid wrote:


Why was Phrack on ignore? o.O

I don't actually recall him spamming or anything, he was just being IC most of the time he was there. What's up with that?

If it's that easy to get ignored at an event by making legit inquiries or just using a couple of emotes would it be too much to ask for to get a LE code of conduct posted with a list of exactly what you can be ignored for? I pay for this game to participate in events and I'd like to know what I'm not supposed to be doing. Some people seem to get ignored for no reason.

It would definately be helpful to know. SMILEY<img src=" />

I dunno, doesn't bother me.  *shrug*

I was either ignored for asking if the electric research we were doing had anything to do with the recent blackouts, or I was ignored for asking Kid if he got that watch I sent him.

Thing is, I never mentioned Algorithm Black.  Reposco said it had nothing to do with it, and I said (after I was apparently ignored by Kid) that I never asked if it did.

I honestly don't think I did anything ignore-worthy, but so be it.

*shrugs again*

Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 18, 2005
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Can I "...ugh"? This one?


I can't?


Because it had the kid in it!

What do you mean that's not a good enough escuse...




Joined: Sep 7, 2005
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Chances are you did phrack, just not during this event.



Jacked Out

Joined: May 20, 2006
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Good work everyone.


Jacked Out

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Always nice to be in some good LE screenshots.
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