New theatrical trailer...
480p (51MB) 720p (132MB) 1080p (185MB) Crappy low res flash.
I miss the Smashing Pumpkins song, but I still get more excited with every one of these I see.
*drools* I cant wait to see this! it looks sooo good.
GoDGiVeR wrote:
Noice. The only thing that disturbs me is the nuclear bomb in that kiss scene, there hasn't been one in the original comic; the desctruction was caused by something else.
The A-bomb kiss was in a dream sequence in the comic.
Anyone know the name of the new song? Not as moody as the other one, but it works.
This movie looks awsome never read the comics but ill check out the movie indeed
CPT_Starschwar wrote:
GoDGiVeR wrote:Noice. The only thing that disturbs me is the nuclear bomb in that kiss scene, there hasn't been one in the original comic; the desctruction was caused by something else.The A-bomb kiss was in a dream sequence in the comic.
It was? I can't remember that one, you know which chapter?