What is the fastest way to gain xp from a lowbie onward?
My answers are limited, you must ask the right questions.
Cadsuane wrote:
Good movie.
What's the fastest way for leveling? Killing gangs? Doing missions? What kind of missions?
It's been a long time since I leveled my 50 and I am considering leveling another but I would like to get it done as quick as possible.
I'd say running the Archive Missions, start to finish, all three orgs. I got through the last ten levels on Sieges doing those, and this was when only Chapters 1 through 6 were availible. Challenging yourself to get all the clothing from the Neighborhood Collectors is another fun way to do it, as is running all the Neighborhood Mission Contacts.
MatrixRefugee wrote:
as is running all the Neighborhood Mission Contacts.
But do these give good xp? Do archives give more on average than standard missions?
monkeymanx8 wrote:
MatrixRefugee wrote:as is running all the Neighborhood Mission Contacts.But do these give good xp? Do archives give more on average than standard missions?
Oh yeah, I'd say the Archive Missions give about twice the average XP as standard missions (I've been levelling two alts by doing them, and I've been ticking along nicely)... and they give you the completion tokens that you can trade for nifty clothing items. :: Huggles her Demon Army Coat::
What about the Contact missions? How is their xp?
Those tend to vary, the ones in the lower-levelled districts give less and those in the higher-levelled districts give more, but they all give about one and half times the XP of a standard mission for the same level.
Use 2 accounts and powerlevel yourself.
Bayamos wrote:
Then I have to pay twice as much to use characters on both accounts. The thought did occur, though.
So far the best success I've had is just finding a group of archive missions to run then running through them. 11.1.1 Zion's a good place to start, all talking unless I'm confused with another chapter. SOMEWHERE in that whole Halborn killing the Oracle mess.
You can also get a lowbie quite a bit of XP if a bunch of other players are killing NPCs above their (the level 50s) levels. For instance if a 50 kills a 55 or so, that's quite a bit of XP for the lowbie. So, a team of 6 people or so farming sleepwalker boxes for just one lowbie can rack up XP faster than missioning. But, that's time consuming and requires a large number of people.
Ooh, and there's also farming for robot parts in Zero-One Archive and trading them to Binary Boy in Creston, but you have to be at least lvl 45 to get those (Unless you're on a team with level 50s and their inventories are full, thus siphoning the parts off to you).
If you have 50s killing high level mobs for you the lowbie can get even more exp by hitting the mobs.
ya the mob thing is a good way. then archs (while buddies farm robot parts)
also access keys! that can get from lvl 10 to 25 or so real fast.
Zeac wrote:
ya the mob thing is a good way. then archs (while buddies farm robot parts) also access keys! that can get from lvl 10 to 25 or so real fast.
We had someone's character get accidently deleted and somehow was unable to retrieve it, so she had to start from scratch, and that was essentially how we got her levelled in a month. Her and one person ran the Archives, while a couple other people hunted 'bots. I think she wound up averaging a level every other night...