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[9.1.4] You are not instructed to speak with him - Vector - 12/06/07
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Machine Controller

Joined: Dec 7, 2005
Messages: 100

Allow me to reiterate that while we must prevent the intruder from working with terrorists and other hostile parties, he is not to be provoked under any circumstance. Unless specifically directed to do so, you should not approach him or address him.
Agent Gray










































Jacked Out

Joined: Aug 17, 2005
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Location: The Arbiter Faction:Network Imperium Designation: Intelligence Officer/2nd in Command

The intruder, whatever it is, is playing an entirely different game than the rest of us. It doesn't matter what "side" we're on, because he doesn't have a side. He seems to hold Machine's with disdain, Merovingian exiles with amusement and Zionist Humans with curiosity. And it is Zion that he has not shown to have control over...

Ascendent Logic

Joined: Mar 24, 2006
Messages: 1345
Location: Still Standing. Still fighting.

This.............Intruder, has earned my respect in more ways than one since first contact.

Kinda reminds me of............................ah nevermind.

Message edited by MxO_Neopill on 12/07/2007 23:08:56.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
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Location: On the Awning at Mara Northwest

The Intruder doesn't take any guff.

In fact, I'd wager he gives guff away, freely.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

The Intruder is above the System, beyond it. He can control the Machines and their code as a matter of course. He doesn't give a rat's posterior what our politics are, what we're doing in the Real or what happens in the Matrix. He won't choose a side because none of us have any meaning to him. What may seem to us to be a matter of life and death is to him but an arbitrary sequence of events that doesn't warrant his attention. His concerns stem from a completely different source than any of our petty arguments.

Please, stop trying to recruit him and stop stating your case. He doesn't care.

Machinists, if you decide to speak to the Intruder, do not antagonise him and do not ask him what his purpose is. You did well in this encounter. I would instead suggest that you plead the case of the Bluepills. As the only true innocents in any of these conflicts, they must be shielded from the Intruder's actions. Insist that he finish his business in the Matrix and leave as soon as he can.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Dec 27, 2006
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Location: Invadin yore Maneframez

Procurator wrote:
The Intruder is above the System, beyond it. He can control the Machines and their code as a matter of course. He doesn't give a rat's posterior what our politics are, what we're doing in the Real or what happens in the Matrix. He won't choose a side because none of us have any meaning to him. What may seem to us to be a matter of life and death is to him but an arbitrary sequence of events that doesn't warrant his attention. His concerns stem from a completely different source than any of our petty arguments.

Please, stop trying to recruit him and stop stating your case. He doesn't care.

Machinists, if you decide to speak to the Intruder, do not antagonise him and do not ask him what his purpose is. You did well in this encounter. I would instead suggest that you plead the case of the Bluepills. As the only true innocents in any of these conflicts, they must be shielded from the Intruder's actions. Insist that he finish his business in the Matrix and leave as soon as he can.

Well said. We've seen outright that hostility doesn't work, we also have orders not to seek out and speak with him, however, if placed in the situation do not attempt any hostile actions. If he gives away any info fine, but you know what curiosity did so try to curb it.



Joined: Sep 15, 2005
Messages: 1676

What makes you think he cares about the Bluepills?


Joined: Oct 22, 2005
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Procurator wrote:
Machinists, if you decide to speak to the Intruder, do not antagonise him and do not ask him what his purpose is. You did well in this encounter. I would instead suggest that you plead the case of the Bluepills. As the only true innocents in any of these conflicts, they must be shielded from the Intruder's actions. Insist that he finish his business in the Matrix and leave as soon as he can.
Like you said, he simply doesn't care. Think about how many Agents he's been "shutting down" and of the bluepills that are killed with them. All he cares about is the answer to a question he won't ask anyone, because he thinks nobody else knows the answer, either.

Mainframe Invader

Joined: Nov 23, 2005
Messages: 400
Location: Vector-Virginia

aww i cant talk too him in any manner too find a motive or who he could side with "Understood"

anyone got some cheap decelrator bit i could buy? ill want omething unique too hold on too for my return... 

Femme Fatale

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Procurator wrote:

Machinists, if you decide to speak to the Intruder, do not antagonise him and do not ask him what his purpose is. You did well in this encounter. I would instead suggest that you plead the case of the Bluepills. As the only true innocents in any of these conflicts, they must be shielded from the Intruder's actions. Insist that he finish his business in the Matrix and leave as soon as he can.

I tried bringing up the bluepills to him, telling him that his presence in the Matrix could hurt them, possibly kill them.  He didn't care.  I guess I was being optimistic...I thought that because most (normal) people wouldn't want to be responsible for the deaths of innocent bystanders, the Intruder might listen to us and leave.  But he didn't.  His only response was that he'd stopped believing in innocence a long time ago.




Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Nov 5, 2005
Messages: 5384

This guy is getting on my nerves. Before he seemed above everyone. Now he seems like just another smartass cocky exile of some sort.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Sep 2, 2005
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Location: HvCft Lion

Rather amusing, machines trying to put him down.   Like fruit going through a blender.

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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Veteran Hacker

Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Messages: 53

Hmm, once again the machines have put forth another failure. It is interesting how his reactions are different with each organization though. We shall see...
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