As i did exactly one year ago fro WoW, now is AoC turn, so I leave this ghostland aka desertland, no more fun here for me, i did need a new challenge and I found it in AoC.
I'll play MxO till june 10th, my last day.
Maybe i will come back again or maybe not, anyway i wanna thx all of u guys for the fun yall gave me in game, thx to zion, mech and merv players, maybe without me vector will become easier for someone and harder for someone else, but as i usually say: "Who cares?"
Well, i still have few days to spend wid yall, buncha badazzez, so lets have some fun, if possible.
Obviously i dont thx SoE cause of the killing of MxO due to its marketing strategy, they had the baest game between theire hands but they preferred to kill it slowly while milkin us, but its ok, i can decide for free, and i did it.
Bye bye guys, God bless u all!
Yours faithfully
Uncle Saj!
Enumerator FTW!!!...what? o_O
/cry...Saj..Gonna miss that sexy red hair loads...Hurry back! (You better !!)