I'd like meaningful PvP.
Hello everyone, I am a new player in MXO and im loving it BTW.I have quite a few experience points acumulated in MMO's hehe ever since I started playing Asherons Call. I have played liek tons of mmo's and I must say the combat system in MXO is brilliant.Now what I would do to this game would be this: - Allow factions to have their own building/base of operations, and make this palce capturable and resource producing(just to make the capture worthwhile besides makign people cry lol). - A little bit more aid to new players, and also a trial for crying out loud! How do you expect to attract new players if they have to pay to try the game... Os perhaps I saw a great sugestion the other day, letting people play for free, but all they could do would be on a social level, in other words they would be Bluepills (no combat). And perhaps even better you could start missions to get bluepills to take the redpill and if you suceeded you would get like 15 days free or something. - Add new zones with the game updates, more missions, places to explore, basically more content.
Also a close tie is making NPCs of diffrent orgs attacking each other. There needs to be more of that. Maybe it's do-able with just making the NPCs of different orgs enraged and near each other.
I've only partially quoted you but this bit I know. Rarebit has always had fun with the npc's. You remember when they used to be just dumb idiots indoors until you attacked them? Rarebit got that changed. Equally, he had the problem of the npc's actually attacking him as soon as he'd come out of "god mode" which was no help to anyone (the most awesome one remembered was when the Smithlings last year attacked the main smith virus...)
I'm not sure what else he'd been doing with them now but I'd guess he'd be wanting to improve it all the time, plus he's been designing the stuff for LESIG to spawn them too, so it's all looking good on the npc front.
Level lock the spawn buildings in Data Mine, so that unprincipled level 50s can't camp the one with the lowbie spawn and use it to up their CQ points by mowing down lowbie players.
I'd make SOE realize that you have to spend money in order to make money. i.e. Increased budget/advertising/publicity/marketing/development/etc.
Yeah i had a feeling somethin like that would happen. Funny thing is, vector ain't that bad and I'm bettin that the lvl 50's that are campin are the ones that are to scared to some over to the 'real' matrix.
p.s. Vector ain't actually that bad, yeah u'll have a couple of morrons just huntin lowbies but i for 1 prefer fightin the 50's. Best times is havin a couple of mish teams, ranged lvls fightin it out. Its so fun runnin around Shimtax and only seein blue mish teams
odj wrote:Bugger one thing I'm picking 3.LET returned.Larger Budget = more Devs.Cinematics returned.One thing? More subs and all the rest would follow. But if I could pick something that is actually controllable? 2 more years of development before release.
Bugger one thing I'm picking 3.LET returned.Larger Budget = more Devs.Cinematics returned.
One thing? More subs and all the rest would follow.
But if I could pick something that is actually controllable? 2 more years of development before release.
The one and only thing I would change in this game is live events, currently they are bland and pointless, half the time they have no meaning to the story or even further it. I want events where epic battles happen and if one side loses their dev charactor then the other side would be buffed for the rest of the day with more accuacy,damage and defense. Also the live events need to happen more often and people should be allowed inside of the building that the event is happening in.
Also there should be more events were a live event charactor just randomly shows up in the middle of a pvp battle and helps their org pwn. Not only would this be cool but it would make people come online to try and take out the LE charactor and the rest of their team.
More interaction with LE charactors kthx.