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Fan Faire Returns to the Las Vegas Hilton, August 14 – 17, 2008!
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Femme Fatale

Joined: Jun 27, 2006
Messages: 1144

SampleNow wrote:
Lezel wrote:
After I heard that Las Vegas was reusing dirty needles in thier hospitals , I totally got turned off from the idea of ever going to Las Vegas. Hopefully, next year it will be someplace better with no real life DOT's goin on.

If you plan on going to a clinic that shoves cameras on tubes up your bum then by all means don't come.


I heard on CNN it was more than one place, man. No, I can't say I've got any intentions on going anywhere like that or the city in which it started. However, before I found all that out...I had plans on going.


Message edited by Lezel on 04/19/2008 12:48:35.


Joined: Nov 30, 2005
Messages: 2904
Location: Zion room #777

Lezel wrote:

I heard on CNN it was more than one place, man. No, I can't say I've got any intentions on going anywhere like that or the city in which it started. However, before I found all that out...I had plans on going.

Why would you wanna go to the hospital in the first place??? You're suppose to go to the Fan Faire and have fun and not the hospital...SMILEYSMILEY

Femme Fatale

Joined: Jun 27, 2006
Messages: 1144

mantra777 wrote:
Lezel wrote:

I heard on CNN it was more than one place, man. No, I can't say I've got any intentions on going anywhere like that or the city in which it started. However, before I found all that out...I had plans on going.

Why would you wanna go to the hospital in the first place??? You're suppose to go to the Fan Faire and have fun and not the hospital...SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />

I think you guys are missing the point..but like I said before all that weirdness I had plans on going. It would be fun and if it were anywhere else I probably would. SMILEY

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 11028
Location: Las Vegas, NV

Lezel wrote:
mantra777 wrote:
Lezel wrote:

I heard on CNN it was more than one place, man. No, I can't say I've got any intentions on going anywhere like that or the city in which it started. However, before I found all that out...I had plans on going.

Why would you wanna go to the hospital in the first place??? You're suppose to go to the Fan Faire and have fun and not the hospital...SMILEY<img mce_tsrc=" width="15" height="15" />SMILEY<img mce_tsrc=" width="15" height="15" />

I think you guys are missing the point..but like I said before all that weirdness I had plans on going. It would be fun and if it were anywhere else I probably would. SMILEY<img src=" />
Don't see why you would be turned off by that. I live here, and that hasn't changed the fact I hated it before. Besides, if you do come I'll protect you from the needles >.>;


Joined: Nov 30, 2005
Messages: 2904
Location: Zion room #777

Lezel, Come... And then i'll protect you from Roukie. Teeheehee ^_^

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 22, 2005
Messages: 2774

so like jumping ahead.. I wonder what this years item will be.


Joined: Aug 16, 2005
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It should be a black shirt that says "MxO Invades Fan Faire 2008" on the back and "MxO Rulz" in a cheesy 80s style with a pink stripe on the front.

This, I have decided.

Systemic Anomaly

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It had better be a new item, whatever it is. And ideally not green trousers... I don't think the people who went to Fan Faire 2007 & 2008 want to look like the Riddler. But I could be wrong.

If Rarebit intends to follow the same inspiration as last year, the item will most likely be blue and/or grey.

Systemic Anomaly

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it shoudl totally be this SMILEY

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 16, 2007
Messages: 441

Tseng. wrote:

it shoudl totally be this SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />

That totally works! SMILEY

Systemic Anomaly

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Tseng. wrote:

it shoudl totally be this SMILEY<img src=" width="15" height="15" />

O.o I agree.. I want this item!!!! Males should be a half-jayne HIGHCOLLOR!!!

It needs to different than a shirt, since that was last years, a coat work be awesome.

Or a special ingame move, that would *CENSORED* everyone that can't go off. Just my style!



Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 3484

Rarebit wrote:
Virrago wrote:


Watch for passes to go on sale and other Fan Faire announcements on the Fan Faire site.

I see Marias on the front page playin' MXO!

Aw I thought you meant Mariusz!


Joined: Nov 30, 2005
Messages: 2904
Location: Zion room #777

SO anyone else planning on coming to the Fan Faire that never made it last year???

Systemic Anomaly

Joined: Aug 16, 2005
Messages: 4218
Location: HvCFT Aggregator, The Glitch Society, Syntax

I'm... not so sure. I was definitely going before, but now I'm not so sure. It looks unlikely that anyone else from my faction will be going (seeing them was a big reason for me going), and I could put the immense cost of a trip to Vegas towards something a little more practical, like a car. SMILEY

Femme Fatale

Joined: Aug 15, 2005
Messages: 11028
Location: Las Vegas, NV

Procurator wrote:
I'm... not so sure. I was definitely going before, but now I'm not so sure. It looks unlikely that anyone else from my faction will be going (seeing them was a big reason for me going), and I could put the immense cost of a trip to Vegas towards something a little more practical, like a car. SMILEY<img src=" />
Who needs a car when you can see Roukan.

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