if you are after the union hill key then ignore big dog as he never drops the access key - i tried for 2 days killing him.
Instead go to the nearest construction site to the lamar HL and kill the level 3 chevron gang members there. You will get the key after a short space of time.
Hope that helps.
Message Edited by Scribblez on 10-25-2005 02:31 PM
RockyB wrote:They're after a node key mate, not a loot drop. Level shouldn't have any impact on the drop rate.And I know your pain. Killed Big Dog in Lamar literally 27 times last night, and not once did he drop a Union HIll key
Gabriel drops both the Kaede and Gracy key. A lower lvl faction mate of mine and I staked Gabriel out for over an hour; he finally dropped the key.
I didn't drop any such thing! Thief!